Awakening Part 2

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This is readers thoughts or when he is talking to Thana in his head
This is when Thana talks
This is when Thana talks in reader's head
(Y/n) : your name
(L/n) : last name


I walked through the gates and I felt something. What is that? That is the presence of a devil but one this strong must be a king. A king? Yes. The pure-blooded devils are separated by houses for example the house of Phoenix and the house of Gremory. Some members of the house can have their own peerage. The members of the peerage are named after chess. The king , the queen, the rook , the night, the bishop ,and the pawn. So you are saying that there is a peerage that goes here and the king is here right now? Yes. So what do I do? Run before they sense you. I started to run back out the gate but I was stopped. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I hesitated to answer. RUN! I started to run and I could hear them running behind me. I kept running till I came to a little walkway over the street. I was about to keep running before I heard them again " STOP!" I stopped running. "Who are you?" The asked me. Tell them we're surrounded.  I turned around " My name is (y/n) (l/n)." they stopped for a second. "(L/n)?" They asked walking closer. They stepped into the light and I saw a  girl with Crimson hair and what I can assume is a uniform for the academy. That red hair... Be careful this one is from the house of Gremory.  I started stepping back. "It's okay I won't hurt you." She said. "How can I trust you after all you're a Gremory aren't you?"  She stopped for a second "Yes I am my name is Rias Gremory. "  she told me as I continued to step back. "Can you come back with me maybe we could talk?" She asked me. "No  I have somewhere to be. " I stated going faster. "Kiba!" She yelled. Behind you! I turned around with my sacred gear on and caught a sword. I turned my head towards Rias "You have made a grave mistake."

(A/n) POV

"You have made a grave mistake " (Y/N) told Rias as his eyes went black. He broke the blade into pieces and started walking towards Rias with pieces of the ground being lifted up by his power. Then his sacred gear spoke You dare attack us!? We did not want any conflict but you pushed us. But I still feel sad because I can't stop him any more. you have sealed your fate. After the sacred gear said that (y/n) was covered in a black aura. He yelled and it seemed that his sacred gear responded to his rage and it glowed a dark shade of red. DEATH DRAGON EMPRESS : BALANCE BREAK

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