John x female reader: bye.

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I walked exhaustively out of my office. It had been a rough day today especially having to listen to coustumers complain.

I made my way out of the building and over to my sweet baby. I took out the keys to unlock my Ferrari yes, as to baby I was reffering to my beloved car.


Finally I arrived home. I took off my seat belt and opened the car door. Before getting out I grabbed my papers that where on the other seat right across from me.

I quickly got out and shut the door, locking up the car. I walked up to the front door and opened it. Home, finally.

I was happy to be home and all but what made me happy the most was seeing my beloved John. Hmmm weird I don't see him anywhere. He must be asleep. I said as I set down my items on the kitchen table.

But why would John be asleep? He dosent take naps at all. For some weird reason he just dosent take naps (Me Af). I made my way to the fridge so I could find something to eat since I was starving. Oh did I also mention me and John are getting married in 1 month?. To tell you the truth I thought the day would never come where he would ask me to be his wife. Guess I was wrong.

Our relationship was great and all except he would um how do I put this? He would get horny a lot. I don't know why but he would constantly beg me to pleasure him. Man did he get to the point where he would literally break down. But no im not doing any of that till marriage.

"Aha!' I say as I finally found something to eat.


About ten minutes later I finished eating. God said that taste good. It was like taking a bite out of heaven. Alright enough about food.

I went over to the living room and plopped myself down on the couch. I let out a sigh of relief. "Finally I get to relax" I tell myself. Grabbing the remote I put on my favorite TV show "Yes! My show is on!" I giggle and hug one of the pillows on the couch, keeping it close to my chest.


Ugh, its already been fifteen minutes and John still hasn't woken up?. I start to get a little worried. I turn the TV off with the remote, just after that I hear our bed mattress squeak. I just shrug, he must be just moving around to get comfy. Ill join him in bed.

Just like that I set down the TV remote and made my way up the stairs. As I made my way closer to our bedroom I heard him groan. Oh no is he sick, hurt or having a dream?!?!?. I panic a little.

I set my hand on the doorknob and slowly opened the door. I regret ever doing that. My heart dropped and shattered into a million pieces as I saw my soon to be husband on top of a whore, both of them naked. I backed away before John sensed my presense and turned around to look at me. "Y-Y/N its not what it looks like!" said John as he got off of her and put his clothes on quickly. As he was putting on his clothes I ran downstairs and held my tears back. How could he...

I grabbed my car keys. As soon as I was about to open the front door I felt a hand grab my waist. He pulled me close to him. "Get off of me!" I yelled as I gave him a disgusted look while tears streamed down my cheeks. "Y/N lets talk about this please" said John as he covered my path. "What is there to talk about!?!?" I yelled in anger and frustration "there is nothing to talk about" I said in a cruel tone.

"Fine then leave" said John as he surrendered, he didint even try to convince me to stay at all. I looked at him while sobbing, as I walked towards the door I was stopped once again by him. He set his hand down infront of me "the ring, I believe that belongs to me" he said trying to contain his anger. My hands trembled as I slowly slid the ring off my finger and set it down on the palm of his hand. "Bye." I told him one last time before leaving the house.

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