John x female reader: 'grown up stuff...'

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I lay there in bed with john right besides me, both of us naked. I let out a sigh of relief and rested my head down on his chest, man was he toned and comfy. I could feel his arms being wrapped around me and pulling me closer to him.

"Emma come back!" I yelled at the 5 year old who was now running around the house naked. I chased her around with a towel, man was she a handful but I loved her. "Catch me if you can!" She giggled and kept running until I finally wrapped her naked body with a towel, earning a squeal from her. "cmon Emma we need to get ready your going to go visit your uncle laff and there you can play with the puppy there" I told her as I scooped her up and brought her over to her bedroom. "Yay! Uncle laffy taffy is the best!" She smiled happily as she jumped on the bed. I got a beautiful dress for her and helped her get dressed.

"Hey babe can you come and look after Emma while I go get James ready?" I asked my husband as he walked over into the room we were in. "Of course my queen go ahead me and Emma will be right here" he responded and kissed my cheek.

{John's POV}
"Daddy?" Asked Emma and I smiled "yes princess?" I responded wondering what she wanted to ask me. "Why do you love mommy so much?" She asked me and sat down on the bed "oh you wanna know why I love mommy so much?" I looked at her and she nodded "well your mommy is one of the greatest people I've met in my life, there is no other woman in the world that makes me happier than her. Your mommy is beautiful her (H/L) (H/C) hair is so soft and silky, the way she laughs and giggles brightens up my day. Your mommy is always there for me and she never gives up on anything she's a strong, intelligent, kind and caring woman. You should have seen the look on her face when she found out she had you inside her belly she made sure to be careful and safe, she would go on and on about how much she would love you and be there for you no matter what. And when you finally came into the world she was over protective and always kept you by her side she's the only woman who managed to steal my heart" I explained to her as she smiled happily "I love mommy too she's the best! Ooo and her cooking is the best in the world too!" Emma said.
Finally I finished getting James ready. I carried him. James was a small 1 year old that was really attached to me honestly it was adorable. As I made my way over to Emma's room with James I over heard the conversation of john and her. "So mommy had me in her belly for 9 months!?!?! How did I eat?!?! Was it like a prison that was dark?!!? How did I eat?!?! Could I just like swim around in her belly and do backflips and awesome stuff.!?!?" That just caused me to laugh and I stood outside by the door, I wanted to hear the conversation. All I heard was john laughing before he spoke up "first off yes, second of all your mommy feed herself and that meant that you ate too, third I don't know about that and last but not least I don't think so" laughed john.

I giggled and pressed my ear against the door. "But daddy where did I come from?!?! Did I appear in mommy's belly!?!? Or what?!? How are babies even made" she asked with curiosity. John choked and looked at her "well um haha you see....." he said tugging a little at the collar of his shirt. "when um a mommy and daddy love each other very much eh, they um kiss and that makes the mommy get a baby in her belly...." john lied clearly not wanting to tell the truth. "Really!?? Ewww you and mommy kiss a lot! Why don't you guys have like a million babies cause you guys kiss?!?!" Emma looked at him with innocent eyes. "That's not important.....anyways the lesson is no kissing any boys ok princess? Promise me that" asked john and she nodded "are you insane daddy why would I ever do that!?!? Boys are nasty, smelly and they have cooties! They are mean and say I'm ugly!" That only caused me to frown a little, where some boys picking on my baby? "Sweetheart listen here and keep this in mind never forget it. Those boys are idiots ok they are blind, they wouldn't know what beauty is even if it hit them in the face. Princess your beautiful and don't let any boy put you down" john told her with a smile, I slowly opened the door and smiled. Enjoying my family.

I smiled as the kids played around and john talked with Lafayette and the guys. I was just with the girls taking with them about stuff

The kids screamed and shaked as the guys told them scary stories. Emma wasn't scared at all to my surprise "OOO I HAVE A STORY!" Yelled Emma and the guys looked at her "well alright then go ahead princess and tell us" said john as he drank a few beers with his friends.  "Ok everyone get comfy this story is scary!" Emma explained. We did as told and smiled, about 25 people where In the room, the majority being adults. "Ok so here it goes, me I'm usually a heavy sleeper which if you try to wake me up I won't get up at all just sleep. But there is this ghost that lives in our home, he only comes out at night tho, so this ghost woke me up cause it was getting noisy. I get really scared at night until a few weeks ago I decided to go check it out. I got out of bed and tried to find the nosies but I failed and went back to bed. I hate this ghost since it's always moaning each night but it gets quiet and then loud it's kinda weird. Me being curious 5 days ago I went to go check out where the noise was and the ghost was in mommy and daddy's room. Sometimes the ghost would scream or just whimper it's weird but we need a priest and some holy water so we con get rid of it" explained Emma and she went on and on until I realized that those noises she was hearing was me and john at night. It caused me to freeze. The other adults started to laugh as they catched onto what Emma was saying "ok sweetheart I think that's enough!" I said embarrassed as I covered her mouth. "Ok mommy but my story wins of course since I'm the best at everything" Emma said happily.

I rolled my eyes as I heard the guys talking to john and asking him many questions "seems like you both like it rough mon ami" smirked Lafayette and john just rolled his eyes "cmon guys quit it!" He growled and crossed his arms.

//well here you go ;)//

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