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I opened my eyes, and it was dark. Dwight must've turned the main light off at some point after I fell asleep. The only source of illumination was the from the door to the bathroom, which was cracked open. A thin beam of light cut across the small closet, adding a faint orange glow to the surrounding darkness. For a moment, I was aware of what had woken me so abruptly, until I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I lifted my head off of my crossed forearms and turned to my side. Above me, Dwight's intense eyes bore into mine. He was kneeling beside the makeshift bed, staring earnestly down at me.

"What's up, Dwight?" I asked, heavy from sleep.

He said nothing, only pushed back on my shoulder until I was on my back. I was groggy, offering little resistance. His hair, usually parted down the center and combed to either side of his forehead, was saturated with sweat, sticking to his head in snake-like tendril above his eyebrows as if he had just come out of the shower. A bead of sweat collected at his hair line, dripping slowly down his cheek just in front of his ear to his neck. I found myself watching it slide down his skin, licking my lips at its progress, before looking back up into those passionately sexy eyes.

He grabbed his glasses and tossed them across the room before descending down on me, lips crashing into mine. His kiss was so demanding and hungry, his hands were all over my body, and I found myself instantly turned on. I kissed him back, nipping and pulling him closer until he was lying on top of me. Suddenly, he started to pull back, but now that I had him, I was not about to let him get away. I pushed myself upright, following his lips with mine, shifting my weight so that I was on his lap. He pulled back again, his devious smile on his face.

"You know," he said, holding up a little blue foil package, "we have condoms. We might as well use them."

"Oh, God! I couldn't agree more."

I grabbed the package out of his hand, tearing into it with my teeth as he started fumbling with our clothing, unsnapping my suspenders so that the ends flew violently back over my shoulder as he pushed his own pants down. It took some wiggling to remove our clothing, since I refused to move fully off of his lap. But finally our lips met again as I reached down to touch him for the first time. He was as hard as I was. I pumped a few times, enjoying the feeling of his thickness in my hand, and the way his breath hitched as I ran that hand up and dawn his sensitive skin. We continued the kiss as I stretched the condom down his length. I was enjoying the puffs across my skin as he tried to control his breathing, but I needed this right now. I pushed him back, lifting myself onto my knees above him.

"Now!" I demanded urgently.

He spat in his hand like Heath Ledger in Broke ack Mountain, and I almost lost it. I needed him. Inside me. Right now.

He reached down to prepare me, kissing my chest as he did so. I was suddenly very impatient. I grabbed his arms and pushed them back, not relenting until I had him pinned backward against the makeshift bed, hands above his head. I held him down with one hand, while reaching down with the other, holding his hard shift still while I speared myself down on it.

"Oh, God, yes!" We both said, as I slowly rode him. Our eyes remained locked. His hands remained pinned down, but he was far from passive, thrusting up into me as hard as I thrusted down on him. Finally, I let his hands go and he reached for me, pumping in time to the movement of his thrusts. Warmth and dizziness enveloped me as we moved together on the mattress; the only sounds in the closet being our pants and moans.

"Jim," he panted, shutting his eyes tightly.

"Dwight!" I answered.

"Jim!" he cried again, more insistently.

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