Chapter 1

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Marissa's POV:

"Mars get up!" Nikki shouts from downstairs.

I shove my face back into the pillow, not wanting to talk to anyone.

"Marissa get your ass out of bed!" She screams louder than before.

"Nicole stop yelling and go get her out of bed! I asked you to get her not wake up the whole neighborhood!" My mom trying to stop her racket but making it worse.

Nikki comes barging into my room and jumps on top of me and I wince in pain and she just laughs getting off of me and walking out of the room.

"I hate you!" I call after her just making her laugh harder and I roll my eyes, crawling out of bed.

I lazily get on my robe and walk down the stairs to our kitchen.

"Marissa, you're finally up." My mom states, not seeming happy that I'm awake. I roll my eyes at her, walking over to the pantry to get a granola bar.

"Where are my granola bars? You know I don't eat these. You could at least get my granola bars right. That's all I'm asking for." I come out of the huge pantry holding up a box of those fiber bars and throw it at my mom. "I don't like these mom! Why can't you understand that?"

"Marissa you need more fiber in your diet. You hardly eat anything and these have more calories than those tiny little bars you call meals." She throws the box back at me and I set them on the counter.

"I'm not eating those, I hope you understand that. I want my 'little bars'." I put air quotes around my moms nickname for my granola bars.

"Just eat one. They're good. I had one this morning." She gets out of her seat at the table and approaches me picking up the box and setting it in my hands.

I turn the small box over and look at all the nutrion facts and groan.

"Just one of these bars has 350 calories! You expect me to eat that? Do you want me to get fat?"

"No. If anything you are too skinny now eat the bar." She unraps the bar and I shut my mouth so that she can't force it in. "Open your mouth Marissa. Do you want me to get your Steve?"

I snicker at the thought of my mom actually going to wake up Steve because I won't eat. 

"You and I both know that you won't get Steve." I stare at her with amused eyes and she huffs in defeat.

"I'll go get Nicole," she tries again.

"Yes because Nikki is going to get me to eat that piece of shit." I smirk at my mom challenging her.

"Fine. Eat whatever you want," she sighs in defeat.

I turn around and slalk out of the kitchen and make my way through the oversized house, trying to not see anyone on the way to my room. I'm almost up the stairs when I hear someone call my name and a frustrated groan escapes my lips.

I try to ignore my stepbrother and continue up the stairs and he calls it again.

"Oh my God Michael! What the fuck do you want?" I wail clearly annoyed.

"Geez Mars, calm down. Here's your homework," he extends his arm and hands me a perfectly typed paper; freshly printed, the warmth still lingering on the pages.

"And it looks like my work right?" I pry.

"It looks like the work you don't do," he crosses his arms over his chest. "You should get a better grade for turning it in early. Now I need my money."

"You're just going to smoke your life away, you know that?"

"Why should you care? You don't do shit for your life." He replies immediately.

I dig in my robe pocket and pull out two twenties, handing it to Michael. He grabs them looking over the money making sure it's all there and walks away.

"A thank you would be nice!" I shout down the stairs.

"You're a bitch but I guess you're used to being called that." He turns to face me, a grin on his features.

"Fuck you Michael!" I stomp away into my room and slamming the door making sure he heard.

I stuff the paper into my backpack, not really caring if it happened to rip or crumble. This was a great paper and the teacher would have to except it no matter the condition. I actually had no clue if it was going to be a good paper but I know if I turn something in my history teacher will be happy.

He would have the satisfaction of getting a paper from Marissa Harper, which should be good enough for any teacher.

I hopped in the shower and got dressed putting on a light blue dress and some white converse. I straightened my blonde hair, put on make-up, and rushed out the door getting in my car and waiting for Nikki who came out five minutes after me.

"Can you take any longer?" I question eyeing her as she got in my, I mean our car.

"I'm sorry I take long to look pretty." She throws her perfectly curled hair over her shoulder and puts her bag in the back seat pushing mine over and I shot her a glare.

"Sorry Mars." She mumbles and puts my bag back while I pull out of the massive driveway heading towards the school.

We don't talk the whole way to school. Just sat in silence. Nikki tried to turn the radio on several times but I would just turn it back off, roll my eyes and focus back on the road.

I was pissed at my mom but took it off on Mikey and Nikki this morning. I bet I pissed my mom off too so that why I'm going to go to my friends house afterschool to do 'homework'. This is a cycle. I piss off my mom, we fight, she takes something of mine or grounds me, and then my stepdad, Steve, ungrounds me. That's why I love Steve because he will do anything for me. I grew up to Steve as my father figure because mine didn't bother to stick around. Well my real dad didn't really have the choice  because he had cancer and wanted to stop the pain. Selfish bastard.

When I pull up at the school Nikki makes me stop close to her first class and I park the car, not really bothered if I was going to be late. After I park the car I walk into school and find Charlie and Annabeth waiting for me in our normal spot. When we walk down the halls I get occasional glares, a couple of people turn to the person next to them and whisper something, and mostly friendly but fake hi's and hello's. This is the way it's always been. All eyes on me.


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