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Author P.O.V

"Hyung, I am fine. I was just exhausted and got a stressed fever, not like I break any of my bone that you need to make me sit in this wheelchair and you pushed me. I felt so spoiled," Youngjae whines all the way from his ward to their van, arms crossed like a little child. 

"Youngjae! Just go with what every Jackson wanna do or he'll whines worse than you and I don't want that," Jinyoung grunts as he few steps ahead of Youngjae. Youngjae sinks on the wheelchair and mumbles a small 'okay, hyung'. 

Where's Chloe you asking? She's in the van waiting for her Oppas, because she is too lazy to walk. *shakes head* when this kid got lazy


time skips... Got7's practice room with Jaebum and Chloe

"Bummie Oppaaaa," Chloe whines dragging the last letter out.

"What Chloe?," Jaebum who's busy with his phone playing a game he answered back without looking at Chloe

"Chloe is bored," Chloe slumps her body beside Jaebum who still engrossed with the game.

"Aishhh, F- Fish! Go the Fishing away, move move move move!,"Jaebum yells at his phone as his body follows his movements and in result Chlow who slumped against him fell onto the floor with a soft thud

"I'm telling Youngie Oppa," She gets up and runs away from Jaebum to find Jinyoung.

"Yeah, yeah go find your Yongie Opp– holy shit! Chloe wait! I'm sorry! Chloooe!!," Jaebum instantly quit his game and chases Chloe who's searching for Jinyoung. He almost throws his phone away, almost.


Chloe who already ahead of Jaebum looking around for her precious Yongie Oppa.

She totally telling him what Jaebum had done to her, the most sinful action he had ever done in his whole entire life, Ignoring Wang Chloe.

Does he even knows what Wang Chloe can do? Ohohoho he made a huuuge mistake playing with Chloe.

*insert Chloe's evil laugh here*

"Wang Chloe! Eodiya! Nononono don't say that she found Jinyoung already! I'm doomed. sooo doom!," Chloe heard Jaebum quick steps, so she hides inside the many rooms, she just randomly opens and quickly closes the door so that she is hidden away from the eyes of Jaebum

Maybe luck on her side today, she found the person she wants to meet, Park Jinyoung a.k.a Youngie Oppa

"Oppa!" she runs to Youngie who was busy resting on the sofa with his phone in his hands

"Hmm? Chloe, what is it honey?" Jinyoung looks up from his phone to see Chloe runs towards him as fast her little legs can go

"Bummie Oppa being mean!," As soon those words out from her mouth, Jinyoung instantly lock his phone and put it aside suddenly interested with what Chloe telling him

"Hm? how he being mean?" It really sparks the interest in him.

"He told me to go away because he is busy with his game!" Chloe who still innocent with all this situation, innocent by not knowing what Jinyoung will do to his member if do something to Chloe.

"Oh, It's okay honey, Oppa will handle him," With a sweet smile he gives to Chloe and he raises up from the sofa and he guides Chloe to go play with BamBam and Jackson next door while he settles some 'business' with Mr. Im Jaebum.

Oh boy, Jaebum ya gotta hide now before Jinyoung catches you. You'll be a dead meat.


"Chlo– H..Hey Jinyoung how you been doing? fine as always I see hehehe," Jaebum walks into the practice room, seems bad luck on his side today.

'Aish.. Curse you bad luck!' he curses in his head

Jinyoung with his arms crossed in front his chest and he raises his eyebrows in the manner of 'please-explain-before-i-end-your-life'.

Jaebum instantly on his knee right now, head down looking very dejected. His hands perfectly places on his knee,

'haha! it's fun to have this power. Well at least he knew his fault.' Jinyoung mentally evilly smirks.

"Well since you know your fault, I'll give you a light punishment," Jinyoung says as he unfold his arms and take out something from his back jeans pocket.

"Yes, Jinyoung-ssi. I'll do anything," Jaebum says not carrying the punishment bout to be a nightmare to every leader.

"Really? aaaaaanything?,"

"Ye– NO! NOT THAT!" Jaebum braces himself and look up to meet Jinyoung eyes but his eyes instantly spoted the his card credit in Jinyoung's hand.

'this lil *beep*' Jaebum is speechless.

"What's that I heard? A No?," Jinyoung leans forwards to Jaebum who still on his knee with placing his palms behind his ears with this cocky/mocky attitude.

Jaebum can't do anything, like *beep* he'll let Jaebum goes away without punishing him.

"U...gh fine.." Jaebum says as he voicr bare audible enough to someone one meter away from him but Jinyoung heard it perfectly.

"Well, thank you leader~," Jinyoung skips his way out the practice room feeling accomplished.

'a sad life of a leader' Jaebum sighs.


hey! okay tbh this is weird for me updating on weekdays but!! since i have some times to spare i thought updating this! and boom here u go!

i know got7's personality is abit off character but to make them perfectly fit well in this fic so i change a bit but I'll try as my hard to make them in character as much as i can and this is not edit nor my grmmar is perfect bcs english is not my main so excuse me.

anyways, do ya guys prefer i update often but short chapter or once a month but long chapter? pls comment below jsy♡ kbye

love Hee xx!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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