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( Normal - Korean, Italic - English )

"Seohyun got adopted, Lucky her new parents, she's a good girl," Chloe watches silently Seohyun walks away with her new parents with jealousy.

"When will I got adopted for real," Chloe let out a quiet sighed as she jumps down from the chair that she sat, placed just beside the window.

She slowly walks to her bed, then plopped down on her bed. She pulls out a book that said 'Cinderella' in hangul, her korean improved by reading books that provided by the orphanage.

Suddenly, her shared room's door slammed open by Sumin, Sumin is few years older than her. Sumin bullies her, she often made fun of her foreign look and her weird accent.

"Ya! you kid," Sumin calls her with her annoying voice of hers.

"Yes, Unnie?," Chloe looks up from her book, ready with whatever she wants from her.

"Ew, don't ever call me that. So disgusting," she fakes a gag then shivered in disgusted.

"Don't you dare step out from this room for awhile, arra!, " Sumin said.

"Waeyo?," Chloe asks slightly tilts her head side she looks super cute.

"Because Got7 oppas will visit and I'm going make sure that they'll not see the ugly face of yours!," Sumin smirks, turn arounf on her heels, slammed shut her door.

"okay.. Who is Got7? Nevermind," Chloe continues to read again, not minding with Sumin harassed tone, she already used to it.

"3 hours is not that long anyways,"

meanwhile Got7 is...

"Hyunggggggg, we went almost every orphanage in Seoul and still haven't found the perfect one. I'm tired already," Youngjae whined.

"We got one more orphanage then we'll continue tomorrow," JB said and earns a loud cheer from his dongsaeng, especially from Jackson and Youngjae.

"What's the name of orphanage that we'll be visiting?," Jinyoung asked looks up from his mobile phone, he was texting his mom.

"Let's see. . . Sunshine Orphanage. Which is just about 5 minutes away," JB said.

"Let's hope that we'll found the perfect one there, cause I'm excited to be a daddy here," Jackson said.

Others just laughed at Jackson who wants be a daddy badly. Few minutes after, they arrived and luckily there aren't many paparazzi out there. They gpt out from the van then walks into the orphanage.

They were greeted by a middle aged woman smiling at them, they returns the smile. On the name tag that she wore stated 'Lee HaYoung'

"So, you're here to adpot one from these kids?," she asked nicely

"Yeah, if possible we're looking for a girl, around the age of. . .," JB look at his member, they mouthed to him '4-7'

"around the age of 4-7 " JB said.

"Do you want to meet them first or read their background first?," Ms. Hayoung asked

"We'd like to meet them first," Jackson said with excitement can heard in his voice

Ms. Hayoung smiled then she told them to follow her. They followed quietly behide her while looking around the hallway, they stopped in front a door that said '4 - 6 years old'. Jackson who's standing beside Bam Bam is jumping already.

Ms. Hayoung opens the room before she excuses to take care the kids files, then they were greeted by many cutes kids, Jackson already squealing then ran into the room. Other members, also followed him except Mark. He just stands at the doorway while shaking his head, he just observing the kids.

A kid waddle towards him with her arms spreads open wants Mark to carries her up, Mark in no time picks her up and the kid giggls, made Mark smiled widely.

[Almost 2 hour later]

They're sitting in circle on the middle of the empty playroom, they were discussing about whom them wanted to adopt. While reading some of the kid's profile.

"Well firstly they all were cute but they all still too playful for us to adopt them, they wants to play we're a busy idol," JB said, sighed with disappointment.

"Yeah, I agreed with JB hyung, they were cute. But, we're a busy idol, we don't have many times to play with them," Yugyeom nods his head agreeing with JB.

They exchange some kids files that might they adopt, they maybe doesn't have time tomorrow.

"Mark, hyung you had been holding that file since you first held it. What's wrong?," Bam Bam who's sat beside Mark got worried with his hyung behaviour.

"Hey guys, did you saw this girl in the room just now?," Mark showed the picture girl's profile picture.

"Chloe Sofia Kim, Age 5, from Los Angeles, Califor- hey hyung you're from LA too right??, " Youngjae was reading Chloe's info loudly making sure his members heard him clearly.

"Yeah, but we didn't saw her in the playroom? wanna ask the ahjumma?," Mark said.

"I'll go ask her," Jackson volunteered then he quickly stood up, ran out to find Ms. Hayoung.

Jackson enters again, with Ms. Hayoung following not far behind. "You guys are interested to see Chloe?," she asked

"Yeah, we didn't see her in the play room just now." Mark said.

"maybe she's in her room, come let's see if she in her room. She usually there cause she's kinda shy," she guided them to her room. Her room just few doors away from the playroom.

They stopped in front of door with piece of paper stucked on the door said 'Chloe Kim' a few animals such as rabbits, kittens and bears drew beside it, for a kid her age that animals were drawn beautifully.

"Chloe really loves to draw, it's one from her hobbies," Ms. Hayoung smiled then knocked the door.

But, no one answered. Ms. Hayoung knocked again,

"Chloe, I'm entering," She opens the door wide enough to Got7 saw a girl with long hair sleeping on the bed, peacefully.

Got7's eyes got big with the view in front of them, and they thought one thing,

"She's perfect,"

I know, I made many grammar mistakes. English isn't my main language.
I hope I didn't made it too fast, for the first chapter.

Sooo, see you on next update

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