Chapter 5

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Hello! 5th Chapter of Hunter's Flower! Hope you enjoy. NOTE: For all you spanish readers/speakers. I did in fact use translator in this story so it will not be exactly how it is said in English. I do not speak spanish so I had to use translator and you know how those things are o.o Anyways, the english parts of the quotes are in parenthesis so everyone will be fine. I just thought it would be cool with Aleks and Romero talked in spanish for a little while. Anyways, enjoy! I'll update as soon as possible. Bye! <3 

Chapter 5:

            I kept my eyes tightly shut the whole ride to Columbus. Aleks was swerving in and out of lanes and was going about 110 miles per hour. I was almost positive that we were going to crash.

            When we finally stopped, I nearly jumped in joy. We hadn’t died! When we got out, I fell to the ground and hugged the pavement that was below me as best as I could.

            “What are you doing?” Aleks asked as he got out of the car and came around to my side.

            “I’m thanking the Earth, of course! We didn’t die! It’s a miracle that we didn’t. Tell me why your parents actually let you get one of these things? I would never in a million years buy you something like this if you were my child,” I said, standing up and taking a deep breath of fresh air in.

            “Well, my parents don’t really care much about me. They just let me do whatever. Hell, if I died, I’m not sure if they would really care that much,” Aleks said, chuckling; it was a forced kind of chuckle and I saw right through it. I knew he was hurt by the way his parents acted towards him.

            “I’m sorry,” I whispered, trying to give him a reassuring smile.            

            He gave me a small smile back but again, it was forced. “Don’t worry about it. I’m over it now. Come on, we have places to go and very little time to do it!”

            I looked around to actually see where we were. The car along with us sat in a vacant parking lot. No one else was around. In front of us was a building that looked like it had been abandoned for a while now.

            “Exactly where are we going?” I asked, peering at the building before looking back at Aleks with a sign of puzzlement on my face.

            “We have to go visit some of my friends,” was all he said before he started to stalk towards the building.

            I ran to catch up to him and fell in step at his side. “And your friends are at an abandoned building? Seems like great friends to me.”

            He snorted. “It just looks like this from the outside. It’s a safety precaution. From the inside, you wouldn’t have even guessed that it was like this on the outside.”

            When we reached the front door of the building, Aleks knocked twice and seconds later the door cracked open.

            “Who is it?” A husky voice asked from the other side of the door.

            “It’s Aleks. Let me in,” Aleks said, grabbing the door and pulling it open.           

            The man before us smiled at Aleks before pulling him into a long hug. “I haven’t seen you in a while, hermano! Where the hell have you been?”

            Aleks shrugged. “You know, around. I actually need your help.”

            The man peered over Aleks’ shoulder to look at me. He had short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that matched. He had an extremely muscular build. He was wearing a tight black shirt and gray sweatpants.

What They Never Said: #1- The Hunter's FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now