Chapter 4

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Hey! Chapter 4 is here! This is kind of a filler chapter but in the next one you'll find out everything that is going to happen. I'll probably post the next chapter before the week is up if I feel up to it. I've been beat lately with all the stress that I have right now. Anyways, check out my new story that I will be writing along with this one! I'll probably go back and forth with these two stories uploading wise. I'll post as soon as possible. Also, prologue of new book will be out tonight. I have it all written down, I just need to type it up. Byebye!  Enjoy!

Chapter 4:

            The next morning, I woke up with my phone vibrating constantly on the table next to my bed. I groaned and grabbed it, checking to see who would be calling me so early in the morning. I looked at the caller ID and saw a number that I didn’t recognize.

            I touched the screen and answered the phone. “Hello?”

            “Well, you don’t sound awake at all. Do you know what time it is?” a deep voice said into the phone.

            “Who is this?” I said, my voice sounding hoarse and half asleep.

            “It’s Aleks, retard. I told you that I was picking you up this morning for school, didn’t I? I just called to make sure that you were awake, and as I can tell, you aren’t awake at all. Get up!” He yelled into the phone, making me jump slightly.

            “Be quiet!” I hissed, “My ears can’t take that much beating in the morning. I still need to fully wake up and process things.”

            “Well, you better wake up really quickly because I’m going to be there in about 15 minute to pick you up. School starts in a half an hour, you know. Don’t most girls wake up like 2 hours early to get ready?” He asked, snorting into the phone.

            I rolled my eyes as I slowly lifted myself out of bed. “Well, I’m not like most girls as you can see. Most girls don’t like me.”

            “Well, get ready. I’ll be there soon. Bye!” Aleks yelled into the phone before hanging up.

            I sighed and pulled clothes out of my drawers and slipped them on as I tried to wake up. Every morning was like this. I did almost nothing to get ready for school because I was too exhausted to really do anything. After I had gotten my clothes on, I ran a brush through my curls and applied light eyeliner before walking down and grabbing my bag. I still had 10 minutes before Aleks was supposed to show so I made a bagel and ate it while I sat on the kitchen table.

            I heard a horn honk outside and I nearly jumped out of my skin. It really surprised me. I stood up and ran out the door and into the Camaro, my breath hitched by the time I sat down.

            “What did you do before you got here, a whole work out?” Aleks asked, smirking.

            He was wearing dark blue jeans and a white shirt that clung to his chest and arms, showing every muscle that was underneath. It made any girl want to look, but no one would dare come up to him. He was too scary for someone to do that.

            “I see you seemed to get ready in 15 minutes. Pretty impressive, Lil,” He said, looking me up and down.

            I chose something casual for today. I was wearing faded skinny jeans and a plain black T-shirt that hung low, showing barely any cleavage but it was still there. I chose to wear my black flip flops that had diamonds around them.

            “Well, I actually did this in 5 minutes, but thank you for thinking that I actually take that much time to get ready,” I said, smirking at him and playing with one of my black curls.

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