Chapter 3

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Jihae's POV

" It's about a group project, we were discussing about what to come up with." I came up with an excuse.

Nari - " You do know that the four of us all have the same classes right? As far as I know, we do not have any group projects yet, especially because it's the start of the year..."

" I-iii-iii-iii. I can explain."

Somi - " She's texting Taehyung, but of course."

Only to realise that Somi was behind me reading my messages from over my shoulder. 

Nari - " Since when did you two get so close, hey? Jimin told me that Taehyung ditched him for you. Are you two dating?"

" Don't just focus on me hey! What about you and Jimin, since you two started sitting next to each other ya'll have been acting all sweet and mushy."

Nari - " Don't change the topic!"

" Aren't you also?"

Nari - " Fair enough, we shall end it here, I don't ask about Taehyung you don't ask about Jimin."

" Ok, it's settled then."

Yeri - " Well, if you two won't ask each other, then Somi and I shall."

" Oh come on! Don't be so childish! LOOK! It's Jungkook!"

Yeri - " Where?!"

I grabbed Nari's hand as we took off running.

Nari's POV


Jihae - " No problem."

" We better get back to class."

We strolled back to class

Only to see Jimin signalling for me to sit next to him and Taehyung signalling for Jihae to sit next to him.

Jimin - " It seems like Taehyung has a crush on Jihae."

" Agreed. They have been hanging out with each other quite often now. In addition, Jihae was texting Taehyung all day! When we asked her why she came up with an excuse that was soon exposed. "

Jimin - " They look cute together."

" Are you being serious right now?"

Jimin - " Yes! So do we!"

" haha...ermm... "

" Did you complete the homework?"

Jimin - " We had homework?!" 

His pen flew off his hand and landed on the floor. He bent down to pick it up but as he was coming up he hit his head against the desk.

He rubbed his head and made a cute puppy face. AHHH!!!! He's so irresistible.  How is he so cute?!

Jimin - " I'm like TT just like TT"

" Childish!"

Jimin - " I'm so cute right? Right? Nari..ahhh..." he said using a baby voice. My heart melted when I heard him call out my name.

Is everything okay with me? Things like this have never bothered me before. Mochi (Jimin), the new nickname I gave him , has been such a disruption these past few days.

A/N: There is going to be a plot twist in a few chapters, but really Jimin and nari/suzy are like so cute!


The school bell went off. It was finally time to have my first ever meal with Mochi.

Jimin - " I hope you don't mind that Taehyung would be tagging along, Jihae couldn't have lunch with him today."

" Taehyung's coming? " I said, feeling annoyed.

Jimin - " mian(sorry) lunch is on me."

" araseo (fine)"

Once we reached the mall, we headed to the food court and found ourselves a seat and sat down. The seating arrangement was like this. 

Taehyung , me


empty, Jimin

I had it purposely arranged like that so that Taehyung may leave after feeling like a third wheeler. But because he was thick skin, it obviously didn't bother him. Jimin went off to help us order lunch.

I narrated my own life story by saying aloud, " There I was seated at a table, lonely."

Taehyung - "I'm right next to you."

" That's exactly why i'm lonely, why did you even have to tag along?!"

Taehyung - " I wanted to get to know you better" he smirked.

" Oh Shut Up! You've got Jihae. Ya'll seem to be really close now huh?"

Taehyung - " Yeah! I mean like she has a little of an attitude and can be controlling and bitchy at times but she's hot. So I don't mind."

"Aish! You're so shallow. Undespicable, don't you dare mess with my Jihae's feelings, I will slaughter you."

Taehyung - " Come on! Lighten up!" he slings his hand over my shoulder.

Feeling uncomfortable, I elbowed him in the gut. 

" Woops! My bad! I'm sorry, did that hurt? It was an accident." as I rolled my eyes.

Taehyung - " low life retarded creature."

" Stop trying to describe yourself it's already very clear as to how you look."

Taehyung - "I beg to differ, there's a reason why BTS is so popular nowadays. "

" That's all thanks to Jimin."

Jimin - " Did I hear someone call my name?"

" Jiminiee you're here!"

Jimin - " Yes, hehe." 

Taehyung - " Jiminie?! Eww yucks." he cringed.

" Jealous?"

Jimin - " It's cute."

Taehyung - " Jealous? You must think too highly of yourself."

"Yes, yes I do."

*phone rings*

Jimin answers his phone, after having a short chat, he hang up.

Jimin - " Sorry guys, I got to go, I totally forgot about my closeup photoshoot. " as he waved goodbye and took his leave.

I wanted to follow him, but obviously I wouldn't be allowed to, so I had to stay behind with Taehyung. 

There was an awkward silence as Taehyung and I both ate our lunch. After we were done, Taehyung broke the silence.

Taehyung - " We should get going."

" Yes we should."

I had 2 more hours till my manager was going to pick me up. I told him to pick me up straight from the mall. So I had to spend the next 2 hours on my own.

As we stood up, Taehyung accidentally knocked a glass of water, and my shirt and skirt was now drenched.

How unlucky of me, I was wearing my school uniform which made things worse, meaning I was now wet and thanks to the great colour combination of white on my school uniform. As a girl, it wasn't all that pleasant.

Taehyung - "OMG! I'm so sorry."

" You better be!"

Taehyung took of his jacket and hugged me...

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