Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

I took off my jacket and hugged her while wrapping my jacket around her. It was amusing and I wanted to take a picture of her to torment her in school. But firstly, it wouldn't be courteous to reveal her in a translucent white shirt which made her insides visible.

Secondly, I was kind of the one who got her into this.

Looking at how uncomfortable she was feeling. I offered to buy her a new pair of clothes.

Nari - " It's fine, but I'll need to keep this jacket for awhile. I'll return it to you tomorrow."

" You really shouldn't especially if you're going to be taking the bus home."

Nari - " Actually, i'm staying here for another 2 more hours, someone is picking me up to bring me somewhere. "

" Where?"

Nari - " Ermmm... Family issue."

" Well then you shouldn't be out in public while being drenched and looking like this. Just follow me."

Knowing how stubborn she can be, I grabbed her wrist and escorted her to one of the shops in the mall to get her a fresh pair of clothes.

" Pick out one, I'll get it for you. "

Nari -" Seriously, it's fine. "

" Stop being so stubborn. "

We started attracting a lot of attention. Not wanting to attract more, I walked over to the sales lady and asked her advice for what clothes Nari would look good in. She picked out a plain white off the shoulder top shirt and a denim skirt.

I thanked her and took the clothes from her before walking over to Nari to get her go try it on. She reluctantly took it and headed for the changing room.

When she came out, I didn't actually believe it was her. I knew that her regular school attire was way too big for her but I didn't know that it was such a big of a difference. She looked different.

Her body had the curves and she was the literal definition of a hour glass body. However, she didn't know how appreciate it, instead she wraps herself up in layers of clothes. The less revealing the better.

Nari - "aishhhh. Why'd you make me wear this, it's so revealing." as she tried to cover up her "exposed" skin. Which compared to other girls she was technically dressed more modestly.

" We're getting this."

Nari - " Wait what?! Ya(informal, like shouting at the person)! KIM TAEHYUNG!!!"

I ignored her and proceeded to pay for the clothes.

" Can you hurry up? You walk like a tortoise, yet your legs are so long, please make use of them!!!"

Nari -" it's so uncomfortable. "

" stop trying to pull the skirt down, it fits you perfectly. "

Nari - "not! It's so short."

Out of nowhere, a girl walked up to me to ask for a picture. I gladly took her phone and took a picture of us before she took off running to her friend in joy.

" What she was wearing was the definition of short."

Nari - " Yucks! I could see her butt cheek, it wasn't all that pleasant, she should seriously cover up. Aish! Learn from me. "

" I know right. Yes all mighty Master." as I bowed 90degress.

Nari - " Yes, learn the wise ways from me, my young apprentice."

We both bursted into laughter. I didn't know she had a joking side to her. She always had this stone cold face whenever I was around her. I kind of knew after seeing her with Jimin but when it was just the two of us, she was more of an ice queen.

" You shouldn't wait by yourself, after all you are a girl."

Nari - " So? Are you trying to say girls can't fend for themselves."

" Not exactly, but a boy may find you cute and you know..."

Nari - " Well then a girl may find u cute and then you know... "

" Well that's of course, I am cute, what are you saying?!"

Nari -" Cute, my foot. "

I lightly hit her on the shoulder.

Nari -" So ungentlemanly of you, you shouldn't hit a girl. Only girls can hit boys. " as she gave me a teasing slap on the arm.

" Ya! "

Nari - " Haha, sucker! "

" Aish! Have some manners, act more ladylike. How are you and Jihae total opposites."

Nari - " I like how I act, that's because Jihae is a girly girl. "

" So she's those clingy type?"

Nari - " Well I guess, mostly because she got jealous at every little thing but the boys still fell for her charms. By charms I mean her looks. "

We drifted off into the topic of Jihae. Up to a point I let it slip. I told Nari that I had feelings for Jihae and I didn't know how to confess or how to make her mine.

Nari -" Well that would be easy, I mean like, she's your fangirl."

" She doesn't seem like one."

Nari - " Trust me, her room is just... Let's just say, decorative up till the point the posters are her official new wallpaper, there's no such thing of a pink backdrop for her wall anymore. "

" Oh... "

Nari -" Aren't you happy? I mean like, u like her don't you? "

" But I thought she was a little different from others I guess? "

Nari -" Exactly why would you think so? "

" Because she hangs out with you. You two are total opposites, you're like a tomboy, but yet your body, damn! "

Nari -" BYUNTAE!!!(pervert) "

" Then do u want me to lie?"

Nari -" In this circumstance, yes. "

" The truth hurts but a lie kills. "

*Nari receives a call*

Nari -" hello? "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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