Chapter 1

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"Holler out your city if you ride for it"
My coworker's lyrics blasted into my ears as I entered the subway station.
"Let 'em know why you'd die for it"
I scanned my pass and walked through the turnstile.
"Same reason all these riders get high"
Pushing through the crowd to get to my platform I held on to my backpack tightly.
"So it's all medicinal now what you wanna buy, homie?"
I shifted my weight nervously once I got to my stop. I was already pushing being late, again.
"Bye bitch, bye bitch"
My train rolled into the station.
"Mob shit, mob shit"
I quickly got on to the train with the crowd, hoping for a seat.
"Boss talk, boss talk"
I eye one in a corner and I quickly slide into it.
"Game rich, game rich"
I remove my backpack and set it on my lap. I watch out my window, not wanting to miss my stop, even though I've taken this train to my exact stop hundreds of times. I turn clipping. up a couple of notches. I don't want anyone bothering me, this was my defense mechanism, carefully developed over months. I don't actually know Daveed Diggs that well, but his music was good and the man could rap, so I listened. I would never tell him that though. He's got his friends and me my own.
My stop is the ninth stop, I count in my head, 7,8....I got out of my seat and made my way to the door, which slid open slowly when the train stopped. I tried to get out as quickly as I could, but being barely 5'4" it was next to impossible. "Cmon, cmon, cmon" I hissed under my breath, really pushing call time at this point. Once I got out of the subway, I ran to the Richard Rodgers.
I checked my watch as I said a quick hello to our doorman, I had five minutes. "Thank god" I breathed.
"Where the hell have you been, Liv?" my dressing room partner, Hollie, asked pulling her hair up into a messy bun. I threw my bag onto our couch and stripped my thin sweatshirt.
"My train was late again" I muttered trying to get my hair to like less of a mess.
"Well come on!" She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of our dressing room. We sprinted up to the stage. I saw Lin standing at the front of the stage talking with Alex and Tommy, so I sat down and started stretching. One minute to call time, Daveed and Anthony Ramos walked on stage, seemingly engaged in a conversation. Just then Lin clapped his hands and turned to the company.
"Alright! Now that everyone is here" he gave a pointed look at Daveed and Anthony. Who held their hands up in surrender, both sporting shit eating grins. "A week from today, we open" we all cheered from our respective stretching locations, "and I am freaking out" Lin laughed.
"We have it in us, just push yourselves this week and make sure you are the best you can be, that being said, we're starting with a full run." Tommy interjected I sighed and stood up starting my walk to stage right.
"What's up with you?" Carleigh asked
"Train was late, no time for coffee" I yawned.
"Oh shit" her eyes widened as the first few notes of Alexander Hamilton began. I nodded, full run here I go. We went through the show just fine, with only a few stops here and there. We were pretty much pros by now, we all knew the show frontwards and backwards. We gathered at the front of the stage for notes before lunch.
"Alright! You guys are really doing amazing, I'm proud of each and every one of you" Tommy beamed. "With that said I know we had a couple hiccups through this run, getting off stage before Schuyler Sisters seems to be a problem, we'll work on that" he looked down at his notepad, "everyone please pay attention to cues, they are very important, and Daveed, please figure out your choreography for What Did I Miss, you sort of look like a fish out of water..." this gained a laugh from the cast and Daveed looked embarrassed but shrugged it off. "Alright, that's all I have for now, you're dismissed for lunch." Before she had the chance to walk away I grabbed Hollie by the arm,
"You, me, coffee, now...please?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes.
"I was about to ask you the same thing" she laughed.
"Did I hear coffee?" Thayne asked approaching us. I nodded furiously at him, I need this coffee. "Mind if we join?" He gestured between himself and Carleigh.
"No not at all, as long as we leave now" I pleaded.
"Deal" Thayne said. With that we were off to the Starbucks around the corner.

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