Chapter 2

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"Can you guys believe we open in a week...?" Thayne asked, nerves evident in his tone.
"Honestly no," I breathed opening the door of Starbucks for my cast mates, "we've been working so hard for so long, it's weird that we'll get to share it soon" we filed into the building and got in line.
"Well are you guys even more nervous about being swings?" Hollie asked "that would scare me shitless, lots of really big shoes to fill" she said looking at the baked goods.
"Ugh, yes" Thayne and I said almost in perfect unison. Thayne was a male lead swing and I was a Schuyler Sisters swing.
"But I would be much more nervous if I were Carleigh," I said turning to her "there's a much higher chance of you filling Pippa's shoes"
"Being an understudy is fun" Carleigh added confidently. That's what I loved about her, she was never afraid.
We ordered our lunches plus some much needed coffee and chatted casually while we waited.
"Olivia?" The barista shouted after a couple of minutes. I approached the counter and thanked her.
"I'll go get us a table" I offered turning back to my friends, who nodded in response. Almost as soon as I started walking however, I ran into someone solid, spilling a bit of coffee on an Oaklandish t-shirt. Diggs. "Oh my god...I am so sorry" I sputtered looking up at the man.
"Uh it's fine" he laughed awkwardly, grabbing some napkins and blotting his shirt. "'re Olivia, right? Sisters swing?" He offered trying to make conversation after my awkward blunder.
"Yeah, I'm surprised you knew my name, but I go by Liv" I said quietly, trying to get my anxiety under control.
"Well you're in my number, and I've talked to Jazzy about you a couple of times" he shrugged and threw away the napkins. "See you back at the theatre." He nodded and went to join Jasmine and Anthony at their table. Needless to say I chose a table as far away from them as possible. Don't get me wrong, I love Jazzy but I couldn't face the awkwardness of sitting with the next-to-stranger I just spilled coffee all over.
"What just happened?" Hollie asked as she, Thayne, and Carleigh sat down with me.
"I just spilled coffee on Daveed" I mumbled under my breath.
"Hmmm?" Carleigh hummed getting closer to me.
"My coffee" I pointed to my cup, "all over Daveed Diggs" I grabbed my shirt collar and shook it. Hollie stifled a laugh with her hand. "Not helping, Hol" I groaned, burying my face in my hands.
"At least it wasn't a stranger!" Thayne said, trying to help.
"No, because now I have to see him, in a coffee stained shirt that is my fault for the rest of the day"
Feeling embarrassed still, but rejuvenated from the coffee I made my way back to the stage. Most of the cast was standing around having their own conversations, waiting for further instruction. I glanced in the direction of Daveed, who was talking to Oak. I could see the coffee stain on his light grey shirt so I looked away quickly.
"Are you guys ready for vocal clean up?" Alex said happily waking onto the stage. There were groans, laughter, and a couple things in between from around the stage. "The quicker we start the quicker we can go home!" Alex offered. I laughed to myself and went to grab a chair.
"Oh hey, Liv" I heard a voice from behind me when I got to the chair rack. I turned around to see who it was, even if I recognized the voice already.
"Hey Daveed" I said trying to not stare at the stain I caused. "I'm so sorry again..." I said gesturing to it. There goes the plan of not bringing attention to it.
"Really it's fine" he said taking a couple chairs off the rack "I have hella Oakland shirts" I nodded grabbing a chair for myself "believe me, it's fine" he nodded bumping my arm lightly with his elbow.
"Thanks" I smiled at him, he smiled back and walked away with his chairs. I heard the first couple of notes of our vocal warm up and hurried back to the stage with my chair.
Vocal clean up lasted for at least three hours because Alex was nitpicking today. He wanted everything just right because of our ever nearing opening night. After another fifteen minutes of fixing various harmonies in Who Lives, Who Dies, we were dismissed.
"Any plans tonight?" Hollie asked me once we were back in our dressing room.
"Oh yeah" I laughed packing up my backpack. "Hot date between my couch, Netflix, and I"
"You should come out with Carleigh, Thayne, Greg, and I" she smiled zipping up her bag.
"I'd love to Hol, but we have an early call time again tomorrow, and I'm already bad with being late.." I slung my backpack over my shoulder. Luckily Hollie was an understanding person.
"I get it" she laughed and shook my shoulder "see you tomorrow" with that she exited the room. I put on my headphones and pressed play.
"Name game, name game"
I headed down the spiral stairs.
"Gang signs, gang signs"
I pushed the door open.
"Work on the phone call it base line"
A/N: hello! This is chapter 2, I'm sorry if it feels like filler, I just needed a part 2 of chapter 1! I hope you like it!!

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