Chapter 4

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"Linda, no" I sighed. "I just don't have the time for two jobs" I explained looking at my boss.
"Two jobs?" Linda looked up from her phone and narrowed her eyes at me, like I was cheating on her.
"Yes, I've told you this, I'm on Broadway" I internally groaned, this woman cannot remember anything. "And with rehearsals, shows, and-"
"You don't have time for us" she finished, feigning sadness, she loved to act like she was devastated when employees left. She never actually was.
"Um yeah" I shifted awkwardly in my seat. "I'm really sorry..." I trailed off. 
"No no it's fine, we'll just have to train someone else to close..." she tried guilting me.
"Morgan already knows how" I muttered. This woman made me want to pull my hair out.
"I suppose you're right" she smiled in a venomous way "thank you for your time, Olivia," I shuttered at her use of my full name, "good luck with...Hamilton?" She recalled slowly.
"Thank you" I faked a smile and hopped out of my seat. "It is Hamilton, by the way" I added as I left her office. I threw on my headphones with a huff and threw open the door to the building. I decided to walk to the Starbucks near the theatre in a futile attempt to clear my head.  I threw open the door and got in line for my coffee. After a few minutes of standing in line someone tapped my shoulder.  "No hablo íngles" I mustered. I did not want to talk to any strangers. Another tap and an
"Um" came my way. What was wrong with this person? I whipped around an I was greeted by a head of unmistakable curls.
"You know I speak English.." I groaned and slapped a hand to my face.
"Yeah but I didn't know you speak Spanish" Daveed smiled.
"That was hardly Spanish" I cracked a smile and took off my headphones.
"More Spanish than I know" he admitted and shrugged, I laughed and turned to the woman at the counter and ordered my usual.
"4.92" she told me and I started to pull out my wallet.
"It's on me" Daveed told the woman and ordered his coffee as well. "As long as you don't spill this one on me" he said turning to me.
"You don't have to.." I insisted. He shrugged, "pay it forward"
"I'll get you next time" I promised.
"Deal" he nodded. After getting our coffees we sat at a table in the back.
"So are we friends now?" I asked jokingly.
"It would seem so" he responded and took a sip of his coffee. "So what got you so wound up that you pretended to not know English?"
"My boss" I rolled my eyes. "I quit my old job to have more free time" he nodded, silently telling me to go on, "she's just an idiot. She forgot I was even on Hamilton. I told her a million times. She even tried to guilt me into staying, like no one could do this job but me, but we're over staffed-" I cut myself off "I'm rambling" I whispered.
"Liv, it's fine" he chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. "But, uh, we should probably be heading to the theatre, yeah?" he said glancing at his watch.
"Shit, you're right" I said grabbing my purse. "But you're always late so it shouldn't matter right, Diggs?" I joked.
"That hurts, Rodriguez" he pointed at me, "That hurts"  I rolled my eyes at him and opened up the door. He let me rant a bit more on the way to our workplace, which I appreciated. "See you before curtain" he said as we approached my dressing room.
"See ya! And thanks for the coffee" I said holding up the almost empty cup. He smiled and ran up the stairs in response. I walked into the room to see Hollie gaping at me. "What.." I asked hesitantly and set my coffee on the vanity.
"I thought you and Daveed weren't friends" she said crossing her arms across her chest.
"It's development" I told her "we ran into each other at Starbucks and he let me rant about Linda"
"Hmmm, okay well don't go replacing me" she joked
"Wouldn't dream of it" I laughed sitting down to start my makeup.
The show went almost flawlessly except for a line flub here and there. I managed to hold on to the shot glasses when Daveed handed them to me so I mentally patted myself on the back for that. It also granted me a high five from him during the pre Schuyler Sisters dance party, which was a new tradition that got started sometime last week. After I had changed back into my street clothes I headed toward the exit but not before stopping at Daveed and Javi's dressing room.
"Thanks again" I said leaning on their door frame.
"Anytime" Daveed smiled and pulled on a sweatshirt.

A/N: I am so sorry for this taking so long and being so short. I'm back at school and sorority recruitment is in full swing until next week. Hopefully I'll be less busy by then. Thank you for reading, comment and vote! Thank you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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