Chapter Two: I...

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Ze's P.O.V

17 Years Old

Today is a very sad day for me. It's cold and rainy, and I am moving to Sacramento, meaning that I need to leave my friends behind. Sure, Galm lives in Texas, but I need to leave Smarty and Chilled. It's only been three years since I met them, and boy, have they been some amazing years. Definitely better than being all by myself.

For a bunch of teenage boys, we certainly do cry a lot. We hugged each other, I shook their dad's hands and I hugged Smarty's mum. Our goodbyes took a lot longer than we had anticipated, despite us knowing about the move for a couple months.

"Come on sweetie." My mum put her hand on my shoulder and ushered me toward the car. "If we don't leave now, it'll be really late when we get in. Plus, we don't want to burden the moving guys any more than we need to..." She directed her sight to the moving guys leaning against the van, disgruntled looks on their faces.

I sighed heavily, and got into the car, looking back at Chilled and Smarty. Two of the best friends I've ever had, and I need to leave them behind. As my dad starts driving off, I turn and look out the back window, waving to my friends. They wave back sadly. None of us stop until we are far from each other's view. I turn back around and focus my attention to the outside world. I put my earphones in and start listening to my music, which is composed of song recommendations I've gotten from the Derps. I quietly sigh, my heart feeling heavy in my chest, and my eyes burning from the amount of times I've wiped away tears.

As I look out the window, I can't help but remember back to a part of my childhood. I think about how far I've come since then, how far the Derps helped me to come. As a kid, I always believed that I would have no friends. I was so young, and I tried so hard...

*Flashback - 7 Years Ago*

"Hello Mr. and Mrs.______, thank you for coming to meet me. I'm afraid I have some concerns about Steven."

My parents share worried looks with each other, then turned back to the principle. My dad did all the talking, mum stared at her lap, worry growing.

"What's wrong? Has he done something wrong?"

"He got into a fight today. But I won't be punishing him, it's not his fault, rather I'd like to talk to you about Steven's social skills. Has he ever really gotten along with other kids?"

"Well, not really... He's a bubbly kid at home, and a social butterfly at heart, but when it came to making friends at school he just... Didn't. He was always getting bullied in some way. We transferred him to this school because we just thought that it was his classmates..."

"I'm afraid that that may not be the case... The kids here are nothing but cruel to him, but there isn't a lot I can do."

"What do you mean, nothing? There needs to be a solution to this, surely."

"I'm afraid that when it is the entire student body versus one student, I need to side with the majority. I don't like doing it, honest, but I can't suspend everyone for the sake of one student."

My mum spoke up. "So, what do you recommend we do for him?"

"In my honest opinion, I believe that he should be home-schooled, but I understand that that would be a large commitment and very taxing on you as parents. The other option is to move him to a smaller, private school. It'll be more expensive, but there will be less kids there."

"We can't afford that though..." Dad held mums hand. We weren't the best for money, so neither of those options were the best for my family.

"Or," the principle started, "he can wait it out here until high school, and then there will be more options for him."

My parents looked at each other once again, then stood to leave.

"We will discuss it further with Steven. I believe that only he knows what he needs."

"Very well. You two have a good day. Goodbye."


Steven moved from the principles door and hid in the corner, out of sight of his parents and the principle. He knew that he was getting bullied, but to hear it coming from adults made it all the more real. When the coast was clear, he left the reception area and began walking home. There was only ten minutes of class anyway, and no one wanted him there.

*Flashback End*

In the end, I chose to stick with that school all of middle school, and asked if I could change schools for high school. Nothing too expensive, just a change in scenery and kids. I was fresh in high school and then that was when I met Smarty. I am still incredibly thankful that he and his parents helped me out...

I still don't know why we are moving now of all times. I only had one year left of school to go, but mum's work was relocating us, so we had to pack up and go, unfortunately. I hate that I'll need to redo my last year, but oh well. Not much I can do about it.

Outside, it begins to rain, and my mind thought of Chilled. I'll never forget that rainy sleepover last month. I'm really glad that Smarty couldn't come, or else I'd never have been able to tell Chilled that-

Chilled's P.O.V

19 Years Old

"I... I like you, Chilled..."

Ze turned his head toward the ground, but I could just about get a glimpse of his red face. I stared at him, not sure of what to say.

We both sat on my floor, I was leaning against my bed and he sat opposite me. My parents went to Ze's for a wine and cheese party they were having, and Smarty was sick and bedridden for a while, so it was just Ze and I here. The party was going to go until late, so we organised a sleepover, to stay out of everyone's way. The floor was littered in pizza boxes and empty soft drink cans. We were having a nice chat about school and games and what not when, all of the sudden, Ze started crying. I asked what was wrong, and he blurted that out.

"I really, really like you, okay? Like, like like you. And I can't keep it in anymore! I'm gonna be moving soon, and I can't hide this anymore. Ever since I saw you, I had a crush on you, and that's all I thought it was, a crush, but it's not! I want to be with you, more than I've EVER wanted to be with someone and it breaks my heart just thinking about it! Whenever I see you, I see my best friend, and I see a guy that I like so much! And now I'm coming out to you, and that's another thing I've hid for so long, and this is just so hard and I can't hide it anymore..."

He stared at me waiting for me to say something, anything. But I was speechless. That's a lot to hear coming from your best friend. When I didn't talk, he sighed angrily.

"I knew it... I fucking knew it! I'm such an idiot, why did I tell you this. Why did I think that I could tell you? You know, I didn't ask to be in love with you, Chilled! I didn't ask to be gay! And now you're looking at me like I'm some freaky, flamboyant little shit who should burn in hell with the other faggots! Is that what you think of me, Anthony? Well!?"

I continued to stare at Ze. I had no idea. I didn't know he felt like this. Is that why he blushed when we first met? Is that why he is always so awkward around me when Smarty isn't there? It all made sense now... Ze went to leave, obviously feeling pissed, but I stood up and grabbed his wrist. I swear, I've never sat up that quick, and I gave myself a head rush. But I couldn't let him leave.

"Ze... I-"

Ze's P.O.V

17 Years Old

"I love you too, Ze."

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