#12 He Gets Jealous Of Your Celeb Crush *Ashton and Michael*

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Ashton; You were at the last 5 Seconds Of Summer and One Direction concert before the tour was over. They had gone absolutly WILD! You were standing near the stage looking up at them watching the 9 of them being idiots. 'Um have you seen Ashton?' A male asked, 'Um, he should be coming off soon,' You smiled turing around to see who the person was, standing before you was you celebrity crush Justin Beiber, 'Hi im Justin,' He smiled, 'Hey Y/N' You smiled trying to act as calm as possible, he hugged you and you and him got talking, 'So do you think I could get your number?' He asked, 'Of course,' You gave him a piece of paper with your number and he gave you one with his, 'But I must warn you, Ashton's my boyfriend and he can be a little bit, protective,' He laughed, 'Its alright,' He smiled, 'So what do you like to do as a hobby?' He asked, 'I like singing,' You smiled, 'Do you think I could hear?' He asked you, 'Okay,' You smiled. You sang Beauty and a Beat, 'Y/N you have an amazing voice, you I maybe take you to Scooter and see what he thinks?' He asked, 'Sure,' You smiled, you sang to scooter and he loved it, 'Justin,' You heard Ashton yell, 'Hey man,' Justin smiled, 'Hey I heard you were looking for me?' He asked, 'Yeah Scooter wants to talk to your manager,' He smiled, 'Okay,' He smiled and walked off to fetch his manager. 'Y/N?' Scooter asked, 'Yeah?' You replied, 'Usher said that he would love to hear you sing, so what do you think?' He asked, 'I-I would love to!' You smiled, 'Thank you so much Justin!' You smiled and jumped into his arms giving him a huge hug, 'Y/N?' Ashton whispered just loud enough for you to hear, 'Ill be back in a second,' You smiled excusing yourself, 'Yes Ashton?' You asked, 'Do- Do you still love me?' He asked you, 'Of course I do!' You said, 'Then why were you all over Justin?' He asked, 'I was hugging Justin because he thinks that If I preform to Usher then I might get a music deal,' You explained, 'Baby! That's amazing!' He giggled picking you up and spinning you around, 'Wait a minute,' You said, Ashton placed you back on the floor, 'Where you jealous?' You smirked, 'What? No...' He lied, 'Ashton why are you jealous?' You asked, 'Because, look at him and look at me he has looks, the voice, he has talent and what do I have?' He asked, 'You have me Ashton, you have all of those things that you don't think that you have, your are so talented, you have an amzing voice, and you are by far the most attractive guy that I have ever seen,' You explained, 'Thank - you baby,' He smiled and hugged you, 'You're welcome,' You smiled kissing his lips.

Michael; You and Michael had been bestfriends for nearly 15 years. You where waiting for him at the gates of the airport, he was coming home from his 8 month tour and his last show was tonight. After he had finished the show you where planning on telling him about how you feel about him. You saw people coming out of the terminal and you where frantically looking for Micheal, when you saw him he dropped his bags and held his arms out, you ran into them wrapping your arms around his neck, 'I missed you so much *your nickname*!' He whispered in your ear, 'I missed you too Mikey!' You whispered back. You grabbed his back pack and slung it over your shoulder, he slid his arm around your waist, you blushed and smiled at the ground. You walked waiting for the other boys who went out the back way, when you all jumped in the car you drove each of them home, Michael asked if he could be dropped off last, you smiled and nodded. You dropped Luke off first, when you had to wake him up to tell him that you were at his house, you felt so bad, Luke was never really quiet so that was very rare and you felt bad distubing him. Then you dropped off Ashton, again you had to wake him up aswell, you did feel as bad because he was only half asleep. The you dropped of Calum, Calum wasn't asleep, he told you that he would see you tomorrow and that he would meet you at your place at 12:00. You drove Michael home and got out with him to help him with his bags just like the others, you walked him inside, he gave you a kiss on the cheek you said goodnight and then left to go home. You reached your house went inside then fell asleep. You woke up at 11:00 quickly getting changed and went to pick the boys up. You drove to the venue of the concert and parked, you walked inside with them to see be greated by Louis, 'Hey babe,' He smiled, Louis had always been your celebrity crush, 'Hi,' you smiled, you weren't really that nervous, 'What's happening?' He asked you, 'Nothing just dropping Luke Calum Michael and Ashton off,' You smiled, 'Hey, do you think I can have a photo?' He asked, 'Sure,' He pulled out his phone and your pulled out yours, you took a few photos together then switched phones and took slefies on each others phones. You walked back to the dressing rooms smiling, and laughing, he walked into his and you walked into the 5SOS dressing room. Michael pulled you to the side, 'Do you like Louis?' He asked, 'As a friend,' I replied, 'Good,' He smiled, leaning in and kissing you, 'I love you,' He smiled, 'I love you too,' you laughed, 'Wait a minute! Where you jealous of Louis?' you asked, 'Yes,' He mumbled, 'Why?' You asked, 'Because, look at him then look at me, his basically perfect,' He mumbled again, 'Michael, I have loved you for about 2 maybe 3 years, I was going to tell you tonight at the show. Louis is just a friend, you know that he is my celebrity crush, but we are just friends,' You smiled, 'Im sorry I stoped listening after you said you've loved me for 2 maybe 3 years,' He winked, 'Shut up,' You blushed, 'I love you Y/N,' He smiled, 'I love you too,' You laughed kissing him.

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