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Being nervous is a feeling everyone has experienced throughout life. Maybe it was the the first day of school, the first time you really meet new people. It could be getting up on stage to perform, or simply trying something new. The root of an individual's nerves could come from the fear of failure, the need to outshine someone else, or something along the lines of their image. Maybe it's taking off in a plane for the first time, or facing your parents after doing something wrong. Julian had his fair share of nerve wracking moments, the majority stemmed from football and his height. The transition from quarterback to receiver, when he'd go in the draft, if he went at all. He was in the process of feeling that nervousness, the kind that made your heart beat faster, your palms sweaty, and your head cloudy.

Julian was glad he wouldn't have to admit to anyone that he was sitting on the couch staring at the door with his phone in his hand, impatiently awaiting an indication that Tom was there and ready to go.

In his head, he ran through the scenarios of what he'd say to Tom and how he'd say it. It wasn't something you could just work into a conversation, it was too important, too special to just drop as a one liner before their server brought them their food. There was almost no way to lead up to it, no conversation pieces that could even point in the direction of 'hey, I've been in been in love with you for the past eight fucking years, wanna help a bro out and say you love me back so we can live happily ever after?' It was beginning to sound like something that couldn't be accomplished.

Fortunately, Julian Edelman was familiar with conquering things that couldn't be accomplished. There was no situation where he'd come up short on a solution, even if it took a while. He was successful because he was too determined to let opportunities slip through his fingers. Laid out right in front of him, was an opportunity that he couldn't let go to waste for the sake of his sanity and his heart. It was time to put an end to depressing longing for Tom's affection. He was ready to accept the yes or no in return. He just wasn't sure what he'd do if he did hear a no.

The sound of knocking at the door caused Julian to perk up. His eyes darting directly to the door where Tom now stood behind. Maybe now was the time to say it. His room was a far more intimate setting, it made more sense, didn't it? Julian got to his feet, opening the door. Now he could ask him to sit down and then say whatever wanted to come out of his mouth. No, it wasn't the time for it.

"It's burgertyme!" Julian said as soon as the door was fully swung open. The look he got in return was Tom's unreadable smile. Either he was annoyed, or he was genuinely happy. Julian chose to believe it was the latter.

Tom shook his head but his smile didn't fade, still making it hard for the Edelman to read whether it was a look of approval or not, "let's go."

It wasn't until the pair were leaning against opposing walls in the condensed elevator that Julian got a good look his quarterback. He was relieved that he didn't over or underdress. Tom's outfit was quite similar, the difference lied in the fact that Tom's jeans didn't look like they were squeezing his thighs so tightly. It didn't seem to matter what Tom presented himself in, he always looked good enough to make Julian stare. He couldn't help but feel like a lost puppy who saw Tom and decided to put all his loyalty and friendship into him in exchange for companionship.

Julian had a feeling that he'd be having the same thought repeatedly throughout the night, 'is this the right time?' He'd already asked himself that a number of times before the athletes exited the apartment complex.

With Julian following at his heels, Tom lead the way to his vehicle. An Aston Martin, just one of many brands Tom had partnered with overtime. Julian hadn't seen the interior of the car yet, in fact, he'd only caught glimpses of it leaving or entering the parking lot at the stadium. This was the first time he'd been inside the shiny new car, just as much as he loved his own, there was something about the vehicle that made it feel superior.

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