Hanging with Eli

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Chapter 2

      Kelly P.O.V

  Eli came over and did a handshake with Zach, then he hugs his sister, Kim. He came over to me and hugs me too. It felt like I was in heaven. I did not want to let go but eventually he did. Eli have six packs and he is tall about 6'4. He have brown eyes and a sexy smirk that is always plastered to his face. He have brown messy hair and a tanned skin, just like his sister. I guess they would have the same skin since they were related to each other and they are of mixed race. They were both born in Miami, Florida in America but there father is Puerto Rican and there mother is Jamaican.

"Checking out my best friend again, I see", said Zach. OMG, I didn't even realized.

"What! No I was just thinking about the chemistry homework", I lied. "And btw I was not checking him out in the first place, I was checking out you".

"You weren't! I think I am having an heart attack", Eli said with his hand over his chest were is heart supposed to be, pretending to be hurt. I rolled my eyes and laughed at him.

"Hey babe, I have to go", said Zach and then he kissed me.

"Why?", I asked him. "Because I have football practice", replied Zach. I kissed him again and said goodbye. He left with Eli and approximately three seconds after, Kim hit me on my arm hard.

"Ow!!!", I yelled.

"Stop leading them on", Kim yelled. I hushed her, not wanting anyone to hear.

"I am not leading them on!", I whispered yelled.

"Yes! you are", she whispered yelled right back and before I could answer the bell rang. She turned to me and gave me  a look that said 'save by the bell'.


School went by fast and so far I have gotten a red arm, a detention and an evil glare. The red arm I had gotten by Kim this morning, the detention was by Mrs. Kimble for sleeping in class and the evil glare is by Emma. Emma was the school's bully and Queen Bee. She believe that the populest boy/ quarterback should be with the Queen Bee/cheerleader captain. But Zach likes me not her. Don't get me wrong I am popular just not the populest. I'm in another kind of group of popular. My group of popular kids like to have fun but still keep our grades just right while her group likes to have fun and cheerlead in miniskirts. Otherwise known as sluts not all cheerleaders are sluts but her kind is just out of this world.

I walked towards the front of the school hoping to see Zach when I saw Eli instead. I walked towards him and said, "Where's Zach?"

He replied and said' "Well, hello to you too".

"Hello! Where's Zach?" I said

"He's at practice and he said I should drive you home safely", Eli said

"I can walk", I said

"why would you want to walk when I have my nice Audi R8 right here?", he said.

My subconscious was just yelling at the moment saying 'because you have a hugh crush on him and your scared to admit it to his face'. I swear at times if I could switch my subconscious I will.

"Nothing, just need the exercise", I said

"Are you serious? You're as thin as a stick", he said

"what!", I said acting surprise when I wasn't really. I hear that saying every day from different persons. He just laughed.

"Let's just go", I said and jumped in his car.


After about five minutes I realized that he is not in my neighborhood.

"Um, where are we?", I asked

"In my neighborhood", he said calmly.

"Um, okay then..............", I said. "...what are we doing here".

"Just having some fun for a change", he said.

"So you don't think am fun?", I said with an hurt expression on my face.

"No I didn't mean it like that", he said. I busted out laughing because he was worried that I might be offended. 'Wait, why would he be worried' my subconscious said.

I just brushed it off. We arrived to an ice-cream parlor and we sat at an booth. The waitress came and asked what flavor ice-cream we wanted. We both said chocolate and look at each other surprised that we liked the same flavor.

We laughed, talked and eat until it was getting late so we left. We arrive at my house after 8 p.m.

"We should do that again sometime", he said

"Sure I will like that", I said

We walked me out of the car towards my house and we said our goodbyes. I was walking inside my house when one strong arm pulled me back and turn me around then kissed me fast, so I didn't get to see the face.


Who kissed Kelly? Was it Zach or Eli?

Sorry for my grammar.

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