1st and 2nd Chapter: The Plan and The Rescue

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A/N: This is the New Version of chapter 1 and 2. I will erase the Old Versions. I hope You enjoy! -M.

Word Count: 1448

3rd person view

Stiles woke up, that fateful Saturday, feeling his shirt stuck on him like a second layer of skin, he was so sweaty and he felt like the temperature in his room was 100 degrees.

The darkness he felt, every day since the sacrifice he wanted to forget, was still there. Just like Dr. Deaton told them it would. He had gotten used to it by now, however today something was different...

He just couldn't shake off the feeling that something really bad was going to happen soon... Usually his instincts were right, but today he just ignored them.

He looked around his room. His boards were filled with information and red tape. Everything was still unsolved and it has been that way for a while now.

They were going to see Deaton for more information about what was happening inside of Eichen House at 10 o'clock. Then, they were going to save Lydia and that was all that really mattered to him. A pack member needed them and he wouldn't stop just because of a stupid feeling he had.

He looked at his alarm that said it was 9:00... 'OK I have an hour... enough time for a cold shower' he thought as he looked at his sweaty red pajama t-shirt and sighed. That happened a lot lately. He would wake up drenched in sweat, even without having a nightmare... It was weird, but most of stuff that happened during puberty were. He got up from his bed knowing his dad would probably be at the station. He undressed and got into the shower.

When he was finally fully clothed, he grabbed his keys for his blue Jeep and was on his way.

He arrived at the Animal Clinic at 10.15. Scott walked through the doors as soon as he heard the engine of his best friend's vehicle.

"Where have you been man? I was starting to get worried..." he asked when he saw Stiles get out of the Jeep.

"I am always late Scott, it's not something unusual..." Stiles remarked as he started to walk towards the door. Scott just sighed at his best friend's tone and walked alongside him inside the animal clinic.

The closed sign on the door was meant to keep the customers away for a little while, until they were done talking, so the waiting room was unoccupied. The chairs were empty and the counter filled with mountain ash was open to let Scott pass through without any trouble. They proceeded to the back room.

"Hey Doc!" Stiles greeted Deaton when they went to the back room and stood in front of the metal table, Deaton standing at the other side. "What secrets are you ready to reveal to us this time?" he continued with sarcasm dripping off his voice.

"Well it isn't anything good..." Deaton ignored his sarcastic comment and started giving them the information they needed. "When Dr. Valack was working there he made some kind of experiments..." He paused. "He drilled a hole into every supernatural creature's head he could have his hand on." He started laying out some pictures at the metal table.

''What did that do to them?'' Scott questioned the vet.

''At first... it heightened their powers, but to levels that couldn't be contained. After that point they died... if he is planning to do the same to Lydia, then she could be able to hear every dying scream and that, will kill her.''

''Taking a lot of innocent lives with her...'' Scott muttered mostly to himself.

''Great!..." Stiles mocked "Any other details we should know about?'' he asked just to be sure they've got all the facts.

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