Chapter Two

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"Why Are you here?" I asked, finally opening my eyes.

"Because You're Completely ignoring me Katrina. You can't just drop a bomb like that and walk away!" The anger in his tone coming out strong. "We have got to talk about this."

"What is there to talk about?" I reply, Sitting up Straight moving away farther away from him, trying to keep my face exception nonchant. "I still mean what I said earlier I think its better we broke up now."

"Don't pull that nonchalant crap with me,i know what your doing Kat but why are you doing it?" He asked,A slightly hint of desperation in his words.

"Going away to college Is my chance to start over, and to do that i need to go alone. This is my chance to break out of my comfort zone and i know i wont be able to do that if I can hide away with you."

"Bullshit, Your gonna have to do better then that Kat. You're the most social person i know and I've known you for a long time."

"Its the truth, This town is all I've ever known and you know as well as i do its easy to be social in a place you've known the same people since birth."I sigh." And besides you could use a new start to."

"Says who? Don't you dare put your own feelings on me to make yourself feel better about what your doing." His voice rising gradually as the words come out.

"Lower your voice, Luke! Your gonna wake up the whole house!" I whisper yell, jumping up to shut my door carefully.

"Maybe they should wake up, maybe they can talk some sense in you." He remarked a little harshly, but thankfully, kept his voice down this time the hurt dulling the beautiful blue of his eyes."Have these last four years really meant this little to you?"

"I know your hurt but How could you even question the amount you mean to me? You know Damn well that you mean so much to me." Hurt and pain now clouding my own eyes."All I'm saying is maybe we should take a few steps back. We're all each other has really known in reference to relationships and being together romantically. You cant tell me you've never thought about dating anyone else.."

"No, I haven't." He Says, to quickly to actually mean it. As the seconds tick by i can see the slight guilt flash in his eyes." Fine maybe but i have not nor would ever act on it because i Love you."

"i know Luke,"i say as i move back to my previous spot on the bed next to him and reach for his hand. "And trust me i know how lucky i am."

"But?" He says, knowing theres more surly coming.

"But, i think this would be a good opportunity to test the waters apart for a little while. You can focus on your band and your Dream and i can focus on school without distractions." I explain, looking into his eye, cutting him off before he can open his mouth to argue."Im not saying it has to be forever."

We sit in silence as i plead with Luke to think about it using my eyes knowing he understands. After a few moments of quiet Luke finally sighs, closing his eyes almost in defeat knowing he cant win this one before speaking.

"If this is really what you want i guess i have to respect your wishes." He finally opens his eyes to look back into mine a slight light of hope twinkling."I have one request though."

"What is it?"i ask, honestly not wanting to say no to anything at this point just to keep that light in his eyes.

"i just want one more night,Just you and me alone together." He says, moving closer pleading with me to say yes with his eyes moving to rest his forehead on mine like we've done so many times before.

"I really don't know if thats a good idea Luke.."I whisper, pulling back a as far as my heart would let me.

"Please Kat, just One more night and i'll let you go in the morning if thats what you still want." Desperation fulling filling his voice now, never breaking eye contact with me." I don't know if i can make myself let go without it."

The hope in his eyes almost broke me right there, to give into anything he asked to heal the heartache Ive undoubtedly caused him over the last few hours. My heart ached to say yes and fall into his strong arms live Ive done so many times before if my mind wasn't saying what logically I knew to be true.

Leaving him behind would be so much harder in the morning when the time to say goodbye to the Gorgeous boy sitting in front of me who undoubtedly will hold my heart next to his where its been since I realized i was in love with him so many years ago.

Despite the constant back and forth i wasn't surprised when the word Yes feel from my lips because truth be told i wanted this just as much as he did.

Just as quickly as the words left my mouth his lips were on mine with so much love and passion, his hands cradling both sides of my face.

Little did I know this kiss was the catalyst to a future i could have never imagined

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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