10 | dms

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michaelclifford started following you.

michaelclifford sent you a DM.


michaelclifford hey:)



oh my god I'm so sorry if I fangirl
that's so embarrassing, sorry

no no it's all good haha. how
long have you been a fan?

sense the beginning. I watched your youtube videos ever sense they started and still do

oh my that sounded creepy af

not at all, stella😂 promise

okay question

why'd you what to find me in the
first place?

sounds creepy doesn't it?

damn, good going michael

NO I'm glad you dmed me haha. I
was just wondering why

well idk if you remember, we were
both in a rush, but we ran into each
other... and the pap got a photo of you
and well I wanted to apologize:)

i ran into michael clifford  oml
i'm so dumb

no you're not! I ran into you also


Ik I said I just dmed you to apologize..
um but I actually wanted to be friends..

of course! I'd love to be friends:)

oh my fuck, good

I thought I made things awkward
for a second lmao

nah you didn't lmao

okay, well it's nice talking to you
stella, but I have to go to the studio.
I'll talk you you later



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