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So I got 91 reads in just 5 days with one chapter online???? How????? Thank you guys so much. Hope you enjoy this book!

Sana had her arm linked into mine as we walked into the cafeteria for lunch. I looked around. First I spotted Isak sitting at a table with a dark-haired guy. Then I spotted the girls sitting at a table not too far away from there. We walked up to them and I sat down next to Eva.

"Hallå, girls," Chris greeted us. I smiled at her and said a 'hei' before focussing on my food. We all chatted around for a bit before I stood up.

"I need to use the bathroom," I stated. Vilde explained where it was and I thanked her before walking out of the cafeteria, to the nearest bathroom. The guy from earlier today at the office walked in front of me. As he started to push open one of the heavy doors leading to the hallway, he noticed me. He opened the door further and stood to the side, allowing me to pass first.

"Roxelle," he mused, signaling for me to walk trough with his hand. I frowned.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him, cocking my right eyebrow. He smirked.

"I heard this morning when you were in the office," he explained. I nodded understandingly.

"Alrighty, then," I smiled at him as a thank you for holding the door open, and then walked past him towards the bathroom. After I did my needs I walked back to the table we were all sitting on. In the process I spotted the guy from this morning, and he was looking back at me. He let his eyes scan my body before looking back at my face and winking. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to the table. Vilde's eyes were wide and sparkled with excitement, while Noora's looked annoyed and Sana's judgmental.

"What were you doing with Christoffer Schistad?" Vilde was first to ask, leaning in towards me eagerly.

"Who?" I asked, I thought for a second before remembering where I'd heard that name before, the office. "Oh, that guy. He saw me at the office this morning and heard my name, and so he pushed the door open for me, that's all," I said.

"Is that really all? Because I saw him checking you out and winking at you just seconds ago," Chris smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"He's just some fuckboy trying to get me into his bed, I don't want to waste any time on him," I remarked. Vilde pouted and Eva smiled.

"Good, he's no good news. It's better to stay away from him," Noora warned. Sana agreed with Noora, giving the guy some pretty disgusted glances as she did so.

"Hey, I have an idea. How about we do a buss meeting this afternoon, to fill Elle in on everything she needs to know," Vilde proposed. We all nodded and Eva said we could do it at her place.

A notification popped up on my phone.

you've been added to Olafiaklinikken by Vilde Hellerud

"That's our group chat," Vilde explained when I looked up to her.

"Ah, alright," I nodded. We discussed at what time we would have our buss meeting and who would bring food and drinks. Then the bell rang. Eva and I had Norwegian together now. We walked to class.

"If I'm allowed to be honest with you, I think Chris is extremely cute," she smiled at me. I laughed at her comment.

"Then why don't you date him? He's good-looking, I can't deny that, but he's not for me," I responded.

"Nah," Eva shook her head, "he's not interested in me. I hooked up with him once or twice but that's it."

I clacked my tongue, "bummer." I nudged her. "But hey, was he good?"

"You mean a good kisser?" Eva laughed, "because then yes, very." I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows. It was silent for a while until Eva spoke up again. "Hey, there's a party at this guy called William's place this Friday and the group has been invited, you could come if you'd like to?"

I looked up from my textbook and turned to Eva, "yeah, sure. It'd be nice to maybe meet some people there." She smiled and turned her attention back to her notebook.

After a couple more classes, finally the bell rang. "I have to go to the bathroom before we go," Noora announced.

"That's alright, I'll be outside," I said before turning around and walking out on the courtyard. I texted the group quickly, telling them I'd run to the store before the meeting.

"Roxelle," I heard a low voice behind me. I looked up and Christoffer Schistad was walking past me, he was walking backwards as he looked at me, waiting for a response.

"I'd rather have you call me Elle," I stated. Chris stopped walking and took a mere second before responding.

"I'd rather just have me call you Roxelle," he decided, grinning. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, there's a party at my friend's place this weekend, would you like to come?" he continued.

I thought for a second and then nodded, realizing it was probably the same party Eva had told me about. "Sure, why not."

"Alright, let me give you my number so I can text you the address," Chris smiled. I was pretty sure Eva and the girls knew where they could find the party, but I wasn't about to tell Chris that. So I unlocked my phone and handed it to him. "Cute wallpaper," he stated. I smiled looking over his shoulder to see an old picture of Noora and me.


"Here you go," Chris handed the phone back to me. I scanned the contact before approving of it. "I'll text you the address later today." I nodded at him and smiled. He stuck his hands in his pocket and started walking backwards again. "Bye, Roxelle."

"Bye, Chris," with that, Chris turned around and walked to his car.

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