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"Unconditional love," I muttered the right answer to myself, rolling my eyes at the guy who failed to explain what our English book was about.

"What's that, Elle?" my English teacher asked. I sighed, shifting in my seat before dragging my eyes up to face hers.

"Unconditional love, the book is about unconditional love," I repeated my words, loud enough for the class to hear. My teacher nodded and smiled at me.

"That is correct," she said, "would you like to share with the class what your thoughts were on this book and the main characters?"

"Honestly?" I made a painful face before continuing, "I thought the characters were a little boring and cliché."

"Oh," the teacher looked a bit taken aback by my comment, "and why's that?"

I shrugged, "this book isn't different from any other book with a love story. It was well written, but predictable. And, I don't know, I guess I just don't like predictable."

The teacher nodded silently before moving on with her class. Sana nudged me, "no one ever speaks up to her like that," she grinned.

I chuckled, "really? She seems a bit... well, easily intimidated to me. Not really a good fit for a teacher. Especially one with a class of thirty-one students."

Sana just shrugged at my comment and continued to highlight her favourite parts in the book, just as the teacher had told us to do. Not long after, the bell rang and it was time for lunch break again.

"Mondays aren't fun," I groaned, plopping down on one of the plastic chairs in the cafeteria. Noora chuckled at me and Chris nodded in agreement. The doors to the cafeteria swung open and hit the walls besides them with a loud thud, making everyone look up. In walked the Penetrators. As most people continued to stare at the popular boys in awe, I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

"William's so cute, isn't he?" Vilde sighed and let her chin rest in her hands, gawking up at the tall boy. I shot Noora a look, and she just shrugged, ignoring the fact that her best friend was crushing on someone who barely even remembered her name. I decided to not pay any more attention to it and glanced at the table where the group of guys was now seated. Chris was looking right back at me, staring shamelessly. He winked and I rolled my eyes yet again.

"He's really into you, isn't he?" Eva asked, noticing the exchange of look between me and the '97 boy.

"You mean into getting me in his bed," I chuckled lightly, "well that won't happen."

"Wouldn't you have sex with him if he wanted to? He's hot," Vilde asked.

"No thank you," I laughed, "I'm not so keen on STD's." After a while of just sitting there, chatting — mostly with Sana — the bell rang, signaling third period was about to start. In the middle of the hall, I was pulled towards the side by my wrist. I frowned and looked up to see who had the guts to do that, and it was Chris.

"Hei, gorgeous," he smirked, resting his back against the white wall that belonged to the hallways of school. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Stop trying already," I sighed, turning around and ready to walk away. Before I had the chance to, though, he grabbed my wrist and spun me back around.

"Woah, who said I was trying anything," a sly smirk was plastered on his face and he leaned in a little, "I was just wondering if you'll come to another party Friday night. Bring your friends." Without giving me time to answer, he walked away. I sighed, continuing my way to class.


Elle: we're invited to a penetrator
party on friday. so don't make other plans.

Vilde: oh my god! who invited us?

Elle: chris did.

Noora: nice !

Sana: don't fall for him and
hook up or anything.

I chuckled at Sana's text and continued my way to the next boring class. Although I tried, I couldn't get Chris off my mind. Maybe it was the way his eyes pierced into my body shamelessly, checking me out over and over again. Or maybe it was that damned sly smirk of his, that could make any girl's legs feel like mush. Or maybe I just needed dick and I was being delusional. Yeah, that was probably it.

"Did you have fun this weekend?" a girl called Sofia asked me. Seeing I didn't have any of my friends in this class, I sat next to her most of the time. She was a sweet girl.

I smiled and nodded, "I didn't do a lot, except for a party on Friday."

"Oh yeah," she exclaimed, "you were there too! I saw you talking to Penetrator Chris, seemed intense."

Oh great, at the moment I thought I could get Chris off my mind, Sofia brings him up. Despite my annoyance, I answered with a smirk, "he's trying to get in my pants, but he won't get me that easily."

"That's kinda cool, I mean that Chris Schistad is interested in you," she smiled, "I've heard he's good."

"Do you mean at kissing or in bed?" I asked her, kind of grossed out. She grinned, shrugging.

"A little bit of both."

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