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"Let's go to a party tonight," Chris said, walking into my room. I looked up from my phone screen to face him.

"Yeah, I'll ask where the best one is tonight," I agreed, ready to text my friends from here. We had just eaten dinner and Chris loved it, luckily.


Elle: what parties are good tonight?
does anyone wanna come with me?



Jonathan: Hi Ells!

Mary: we're all hanging at my
place tonight,, you should come!

Nathan: babe !!!!! so glad you're
back wtf.

Chris frowned, "who is this Nathan guy and why is he calling you babe?" I chuckled at his jealousy and nudged his shoulder.

"My best friend. His parents have been friends with my parents since forever and we've known each other since we were born," I explained.

Elle: of course i'll come!
can i bring someone??

Camille: is lila finally here??

Camille: cause then hell yeah

Elle: nope.. not Lila.

Mary: is it Nadine? bc she can
come with you any time, you know
that right?

Elle: it's a boy. but i think nadine
will also take you up on your offer :)

Madilyn: ELLE! i'm so sorry
for never checking my phone haha

Madilyn: a boy?? is he cute?

Camille: giRL


Madilyn: oH MY GOD

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Madilyn: oH MY GOD

Camille: he's so pretty wtf

Madilyn: is he available?!??!?

Elle: not exactly...

Then, the fuzz started in the group app. Everyone was wondering who this boy was and why I'd never told them about him before. We texted for a while until I saw the little clock on top of my screen displaying 21:17. "Chris, let's go over to Mary's place. It's a five minute drive," I stated, standing up from my bed.

"Do I have to drive?" Chris asked, assuming I didn't know how to drive a car. I shook my head.

"In America you're allowed to drive when you're sixteen, so every time I'm here I'm happy to," I explained, smiling. "I love driving, I hate that you can't drive until you're eighteen in Norway."

Chris laughed, "that's so cool. I didn't know you could drive."

I shrugged, "It's pretty much a waste of money because I'm almost never here, but I love it so yeah." Chris and I went downstairs where Nadine and my dad were sitting on the couch.

"Party tonight at Mary's place, do you want to come Nadine?" I asked, smiling at my little sister. Nadine nodded happily and put her iPad down, standing up.

"What time will you be home?" my dad asked, raising his eyebrows a little. I checked the time on my phone once more and shrugged.

"Around 1 AM? I'm driving so I won't drink anything tonight and I won't let Nadine do anything stupid," I said, reassuring my dad of everything. Dad sighed but nodded.

"Alright, but seriously no drinking when you're driving!" he warned. I nodded and we turned around, walking out of the house.

"Isn't the age limit for drinking here age twenty-one?" Chris asked. I just nodded. "But your dad's okay with you drinking at sixteen?"

"Yeah, he's pretty chill," I responded, "if my mom found out he lets me drink she'd kill the both of us." I laughed. Chris chuckled and got into the passenger's seat while I walked around to the driver's seat.

"I can drive back, you know," Chris offered when we were halfway there, "it's your first night back here so I'd understand if you'd like a drink with your friends. Plus I have an international driver's license."

I shook my hands, "it's fine, really. I don't even feel like drinking tonight. You go and have fun." Chris just nodded, not wanting to protest to me. We soon arrived at Mary's house and I got really excited, I'd finally see my friends again.

"I'm nervous," Chris whispered in my ear. I frowned at him. Chris Schistad nervous? That'd almost be hard to believe if he was talking about an exam he didn't study for, but about meeting my friends? That was nearly impossible. "What if they don't like me? You all seem like you've been friends for so long and I just feel like I won't fit in."

I grabbed his and and squeezed it reassuringly. "Knowing my friends, they will love you no matter what. You're the first boy I've ever talked about to them, so they're excited anyway." Chris smirked at that.

"The first one, huh? Interesting," he mused. I rolled my eyes and opened the big front door that was always unlocked at Mary's place.

"I'm home!" I yelled, waiting for my friends to come out from all different corners of the house. Soon, Camille and Mary came running from upstairs, while Madilyn and Jonathan came out of the living room and Nathan unlocked himself from the bathroom, after flushing and washing his hands of course.

All my friends engulfed Nadine and me in hugs first, excited to have us back. Until everyone was done hugging and suddenly all attention was on Chris. "So," Mary trailed off, "who's this hottie?"

"Christoffer Schistad."

04.17 - c.sWhere stories live. Discover now