3. Leaving

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One day, Jeongguk was called into the management's office.
"Hello Jeongguk-ah, take a seat,"
It was Bang PD-nim. Jeongguk gulped nervously, taking a seat in front of him.
"There's nothing to be scared of, you've done nothing wrong, Jeongguk," assured PD-nim, watching the anxious boy in front of him with kind eyes. "I've called you in here to discuss your dancing,"
"My dancing, PD-nim?" asked Jeongguk, confused. The boys' dance teacher often praised Jeongguk's dancing, it was Seokjin and Namjoon who struggled the most.
"Yes, Jeongguk. Your dance teacher has informed me that you have a lot of talent in the area," said PD-nim with a smile, intertwining his fingers together on his desk. Jeongguk blushed a bit, looking down at his lap.
"He also tells me, however, that you're lacking in a specific area," he continued. Jeongguk looked up, meeting the CEO's gaze.
"I'm sorry, PD-nim, I'll try to improve. What is it?" he hurriedly said.
"My dear boy, I know you will improve, I am not trying to make you feel bad. I just called you here to tell you that you will be leaving for a while."
Jeongguk gaped. Leaving? Leave what? The dorm? Bangtan? Seoul? Korea?
"Leaving, PD-nim? To go where?"
"America, Jeongguk-ah." said PD-nim.


"You're leaving?"
Jeongguk was in Bangtan's living room, having just finished packing his stuff when the other members arrived home from practice. A practice Jeongguk missed because of his meeting with the CEO. Jimin was the member who had spoken, having seen the suitcase standing next to Jeongguk. The members were all watching him with frowns on their faces; Tae looked almost tearful.
"Yes, hyung," answered Jeongguk, eyes travelling from Jimin and over all the other members.
It was Tae this time, and his voice was low and sad. Jeongguk realized the members must think he was leaving for good.
"Bang PD-nim wants me to go to America," he clarified.
The members frowning faces turned more confused.
"America? What does he want you to do there?" Yoongi asked.
"Practice my dancing, hyung," answered Jeongguk simply.
"Your dancing? If you need to go to America to practice, where do I need to go?" joked Namjoon, making the tension in the room lift a little.
"It's not techniques I need to practice, hyung," smiled Jeongguk. "Our dance teacher thinks I need to work on feeling the emotion when I dance,"
It was quiet for a couple of seconds as the other boys processed the information. Jimin and J-Hope, the dancers of the group, nodded in understanding.
"Are you coming back?" asked Jimin, looking almost scared for the answer.
"Of course, hyung! I will only go for a month or so. You won't even notice I'm gone, you'll be too busy practicing."
The door bell rang.

"That must be my driver to the airport. I have to go,"
Tae pounced on him.
"You better stay in touch," he mumbled, squeezing Jeongguk in a tight hug. Jeongguk laughed a little.
"I'll try, Tae-hyung,"
They pulled apart, and Jeongguk took one last look at the other members, smiling.
"I'll see you in a month, hyungs,"
He walked with his suitcase towards the door, pulling it open to reveal the driver.
"Have a good trip," said Namjoon behind him.
"Work hard, Jeonggukie," said Hoseok.
"Be safe," said Jimin softly.
"Bye," Jeongguk turned and waved, letting the door shut behind him.


A/N: This chapter is sooo short, I know. Next chapter (I have it written) is much longer than this. I felt this needed to end here though :)

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