7 ~ Weapon of Choice

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"This is ridiculous!"

The trio had already finished packing hours early. However, Malia and Connor frustratingly dig through the armory determined to find the perfect weapon for the picky girl.

Connor's done. He's tired and sore from being on his feet for so long. It's nearing midnight and Malia's far from being prepared to leave. They've already gone through almost every single weapon and not one fits Malia perfectly. The girl is stubborn. She wants the perfect tool and is desperate enough to begin digging up the floor boards to find long forgotten weapons.

If he could, Connor would have ditched Malia hours before. But Nico and Will threatened the Hermes kid shortly after it was announced they would be going on a quest together. They demanded he help her find the right weapon and protect the newly demigod at all cost.

He snorts. "As if she needs protecting."

Malia is digging through an old box. "What?" She asks. Connor curses himself, realizing he made the observation out loud. In one of her hands is a machete and Connor can't help but think of her chopping off his head with a single blow.

"I just can't believe we are missing the finale!" He whines once again about the fireworks.

The daughter of Soteria rolls her eyes and continues to rummage through the box. It's the only box they haven't looked through and Malia's hoping to find something that holds her interest.

Finally, at the very bottom, rusted over by time, Malia pulls out an object which makes her smile.

"Oh, hell no!" Connor protests.

Malia swings the pistol around in her hands, holding back a smile. "I think it suites me."

Connor raises an eyebrow. "It does," He admits. "But wouldn't you prefer a dagger or something?" He offers a pink one to the girl.

Malia scoffs. "Every heard of 'never bring a sword to a gun fight'?" She jokingly aims the gun at him.

"You wouldn't dare." Connor narrows his eyes. Then he laughs, startling Malia. "That thing is modified to shoot Celestial bronze, so it only kills monsters."

"It's still bad ass. I've never seen anyone here with one of these."

"That's because Phillip took them all. A Celestial bronze gun is his choice of weapon."

Malia scrunches up her face as if she taste something sour. She drops the gun back in the box. "That's unfortunate."

"You know," He starts. "You're not going to be original, right? You keep looking for something to make you stand out but there's nothing more here than hammers, swords, and daggers, just like everyone else. You're just going to have to blend in with other people for once."

"Fuck you." Malia spits, standing up quickly and facing the exhausted boy. "You have no idea what you're talking about. So shut it."

Connor wasn't trying to be rude; he was just merely making an observation. But the short tempered girl was starting to agitate him. "I know that if you weren't a daughter of Soteria, there's no doubt in my mind you would be in the Aphrodite cabin."

He meant it as in insult, but Malia smiles. "My, my, Connor Stoll. Did you just call me pretty?"

His face burns red. "No! I-no- I meant because you're conceded!"

She opens her mouth to give another witty response, when the locket wobbling around the girl's neck catches Connor's attention.

"What's that?" He asks, pointing to the golden necklace.

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