
248 15 21

(Lenore ^^)

April 27th, 2017


The kitchen felt unbearable, hot and crowded, full of life and energy that had me backing away into a dark closet somewhere.

The door was pried open as my brother approached me with his daughter firmly in his arms. His grasp looked tight and hard, but the child was at ease under his arm, appearing to be relaxed and content.

Mike's eyes smiled at me, he looked overwhelmed with joy. It shown clear on his face, the bright eyes and smile to match. I didn't remember a time when I had seen him so happy.

I wondered if it had anything to do with what Ashley had whispered in his ear.

Before I could ask, Mike's eyes went to the side, taking in the look of Lenore as she curtailed in front of Ashley and began stammering. Her face was flushed, I couldn't help but smile.

"M'lady. I'm so glad that you've returned unharmed. I'll grab my cloak and-" Ashley had returned home after two months only to find a stranger in her home, but she laid a hand firmly on Lenore's shoulder and smiled with interest.

"Don't rush off. Come, we'll take a walk in the garden and you can tell me about yourself"

"A friend?" Mike's voice brought me back to his attention.

I smiled, inhaled the scent of laundry soap and salt water as the two women walked past, and gave a nod.

"I met her in the village. She gave me advice on how to make Snow stop crying, I've been keeping her around to teach me some things" Mike's gaze suddenly felt like pressure.

Like every second that passed, another brick was added to my chest and made it hard to breathe.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Mike smiled. The mischievous look in his eyes hadn't faded since he'd walked through the door, and now it seemed as though it had only grown stronger.

Mike motioned towards the doors and out to the garden where his wife and Lenore were walking at a slow pace together, their voices muffled as they carried over the grass and back to us.

"She's quite beautiful, reserved though, isn't she?" Mike walked around the island and placed Snow on top of it as he dug an orange out of the fruit bowl.

He started down at it as he peeled.

I decided to stay indifferent. I wanted privacy towards Lenore, not everyone jumping to conclusions. If I ever wanted a relationship with her, which I did, then it would be on my own terms. Not anyone else pressuring us.

I decided to change the subject. The smile was still glued to his face and joy radiated off of him. I wanted to know why.

"Why such a big smile? Overjoyed to be back home and off the water?" He looked up at me then, smiled and popped a slice of Orange into his mouth.

He began chewing as Snow rolled it around like a ball on the island. Small giggles filled the empty space of air between us and Mike steadied her with one large hand on her back. He grabbed the orange and resumed eating.

"She's with child...again" I was surprised, but couldn't say that I hadn't half expected them both to come back with the news.

Two months on a lonely ship in the water with nothing to do? Yeah, not so surprising.

"Congratulations. Life's really worked out for you both then, hasn't it?" For a second he stopped chewing, but resumed as quickly that I wasn't sure if I had witnessed a delay or not.

"I guess you could say that" His voice was deep and steady, like he was wondering where the conversation was going.

Suddenly, he looked up from his orange and sat Snow back up into a sitting position.

"So..." He smiled wickedly. "Tell me about your friend"


"Have you been friends long?" I tucked my thick hair behind my ears quickly, trying to find something to steady my anxious hands.

Queen Ashley wasn't at all what I had expected her to be. Was it bad I though she would've been suave and sophisticated? Maybe even petty? My conscience felt bad for thinking such selfish things.

It had occurred to me right away that Queen Ashley appeared normal, like all of the rest of us. She liked to ask and didn't rush me to answer her questions. And when I didn't answer after a while, she'd move on and talk about herself. She seemed to understand.

"Oh, we're not friends. I just...Help him, with the baby and stuff. But since you've returned there's no need for me to stay or help out any longer. I assume Billie would forget about me as soon as life goes back to normal" Queen Ashley got a disturbed look on her face, then broke out into a small laugh.

"I'm not so sure about either of those things..." She seemed to sigh dramatically. "It does get lonely here in the house with all these empty bedrooms. And I'm sure Billie loves having you around, really I can already tell you've been a great help. I think we could all be friends. Another lady to help me with Snow would be grand" I looked up in surprise.

Once her eyes locked with mine I looked away, feeling tiny in my drab brown dress and worn leather shoes. I ran my fingers along the roses in the garden.

"Tell me, does your employer pay you very much?" I assumed she knew because of my clothes.

I hadn't remembered the last time I'd had a new dress.

I shook my head.

Queen Ashley stopped then, a hand on my arm. She waited until I looked up at her and then smiled with a glint of happiness in her eyes.

"It'd really mean a lot to me if you'd stay. You know, to help me with Snow. I'd pay you even...I think we'd become great friends" Queen Ashley's smile was serious and her eyes the same, but in the depths of them I saw something flicker, something almost like humor.

She seemed up to something, but I couldn't lie to myself. The genuineness was there, plain as day in her eyes.

I gave a small smile of my own and held my head as high as I could muster.

"It'd be an honor" Queen Ashley nearly bounced on her heels with joy.

I wondered if she really did get lonely without a female friend. I wondered if Billie got lonely with only his brother.

I shook the thoughts away and she spoke.

"Shall we find you a dress then? And some slippers. The moment I saw you I knew which one I wanted you to have. Come, there in my wardrobe"

I had no time to respond before she grabbed my hand and lead me back towards the house.

I didn't know whether to leap with joy as well or go back to my cottage and hide.

It was clear that the decision was already made for me as we bounced up the stairs together.

A Shade Lighter {Sequel To A Shade Darker}Where stories live. Discover now