{Chapter Thirty Five}

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July 4th, 2018


"You do know it's only six thirty right? Are you really so exhausted from helping women give birth?" Our hands were still locked as Billie followed me up the steps.

I did feel lethargic and a bit drowsy, but it didn't kill my mood to feel happy to come home to Billie.

"Well, it is quite exhausting. Especially two in one day. Usually it's the comments that bring me down. The women are in pain and they get so angry and start screaming...well, nasty things"

"I'm sure they're not taking it out on you"

"Yeah, I know. It's why I don't ever get too down about it. But I do need a bath, I'm sweaty from a day's work"

Billie scoffed lightly as soon as we got in our room and threw his damp shirt on the floor.

"You're sweaty? Please, I've been out in the sun for six hours soaking up the heat. I must smell like a horse"

I chuckled as I picked up his dirty laundry.

"I'm sure Delilah would think you'd smell very manly. But she's already taken"

Billie sent me a smile over his shoulder as he was undoing his belt and kicking of his shoes.

I tidied the room out of habit. Made the bed that was messy from this morning, fixed the pillows and put Billie's shoes in the wardrobe.

Next followed his belt that I put away and his pants that I threw in the dirty laundry. By the time he was in the bathroom running the water, I was sweaty again and out of breath.

"I don't suppose you ever had to worry about cleaning up after yourself, did you?" I was loosening the laces of my dress, dying to get out of the corset that was robbing me of breath.

"What's the point when you do it for me?" I was about to respond until he came behind me and took the laces, his voice close.

"I never have understood why women must put themselves through hell just to wear these things" When it was off, he threw it across the room.

"We women are only on this earth to please, remember? We have to look good to please"

Billie shook once with small laughter.

"Real funny, Lenore. Absolutely hilarious. Another one of your jokes?"

I shrugged my shoulders, slipping my shoes off and feeling cooler by the second.

"Well, I have to find my fun somewhere"

He smiled, turned my around to face him completely and brought my mouth up to his, arms tight around my waist. My feet weren't on the floor as I held onto him.

He pulled away only for a second.

"You can find your fun right here, anytime" His voice was low and it sent a shiver through me.

He set me back on my feet, turned me around again and began working on the laces of my dress until it was all but falling off my shoulders.

He pushed it away and then gathered me into his arms again. I wrapped myself around him and felt our naked skin press together.

I sighed and could smell his work on him. The summer breeze lingered in his hair, and on his skin, the salt and light perspiration that was completely male. He was hot against me.

He walked towards the bathroom and brushed some of my hair away from my face.

"Lenore..." He said my name softly and I smiled in respi see, my eyebrows raising.

His lips grew into a devilish smile before I grasped and he dropped me into the bathtub. With a laugh, he got in after me and sunk down into the water with a sigh.

"The hot water's relaxing, don't you think?"

I spurred up water and wiped it from my eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Totally relaxing. Especially when you get thrown in. And to think I was going to-"

"Going to what?" Billie inquired as he pulled me closer to him.

Some of the water in the tub sloshed over the side and onto the floor.

I put my head up.

"I won't say"

"Then let me show you exactly what was on your mind"

He brought my mouth to his and I sighed with his kiss. His fingers and tongue moved simultaneously over my body in a sort of rhythm. 

It felt so different tonight, so slow and perfectly timed. Though he kept out bodies so close, he kept us apart. With seriousness, I pulled back and looked down at him.

He ran a hand up my arm and to my shoulder, massaged the tense muscles for a minute.

"You deserve to be taken in a bed, Lenore. You deserve to be treated like a God Damn Queen"

With a smile, we moved slowly apart and he sat me in front of him in the bath, running a soapy washcloth over my skin. Afterwards, with hands cupped he poured water over me.

We washed our hair then let the water drain.

The ends of my hair dripped onto the carpeting into the bedroom as Billie picked me up in his arms and laid me gently on top of the blankets. He crawled over me, connected our mouths.

The lovemaking here was so sweet, so slow.

"Billie?" I asked as he entered me and we both sighed.

I put my hands on his face, felt the short stubble and up to the wet fringe on his forehead.

"I'm sorry I made us wait so long"

He kept himself up on his elbows and was smiling down at me with lights in his eyes.

"It makes it so much sweeter when you wait, Lenore" He said softly, kissing over to my ear as he moved forward again with his hips.

He waited and when I sighed and moved towards him, the pattern began.

Billionth one hand on the small of my back and pushed me up closer to him as he continued his movements in and out of me.

I cried his name softly, raked my nails along his back and heard him hiss as I gasped when his speed slowly began increasing.

My body was growing heavy and tight, he growled when my nails dug deeper. Then he begged me to take him.

I wrapped myself tightly around him and took him completely into my embrace.

He cried softly, repeated my name over and over. I thought I heard angels singing.

When his release came, I welcomed it. And when he stopped rigid, I kissed his hair as he shook.

Later, he became a soft heavy, but pleasant weight on my chest.

"Ashley explained something called Fireworks earlier. I think I just saw them"

"We're your eyes open or closed?"

I ran my fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp.

"Hmm. Closed, I think"

He lifted his face and smiled down at me with dark eyes.

"I saw them, too. Only mine were open and I was staring down at you"

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