{Chapter Twenty Eight}

87 10 4

Hay Head

May 5th, 2018


I ran a brush over the back of Samson, watched his hide gleam and shine from the sunlight coming through the small crack between the boards in the ceiling of the finished stable.

The mornings were slowly turning warmer with each day, and every day it got more and more routine to get up early, have the horses brushed and ready if Lenore were to come out and want to ride later.

Plus, the attention from the horses allowed me out in the fresh air for a while, silent with my own thoughts in the fog, or like today, the sunshine. It was warm on my skin, made me feel like I was glowing.

The doors that I had closed behind me slowly opened, and with a yawn, Lenore stepped in.

She was up earlier than usual, and looked like it too. She had come in a robe, unbrushed hair, and sleepy eyes.

She turned to close the door, then gave a light look of surprise to see me out here.

I threw the brush in the bag and she came over, ran her hand over Samson's rump.

"I was just coming out to do this. Your sister wants to ride together today, so I was going to let her borrow your horse"

"I have it under control. Go ahead, go back to bed. You look tired"

She shrugged one shoulder then sighed.

"I'm already up. Besides, who else is going to pick the hay out of your hair?" She reached up lightly and pulled a piece out between her fingers.

"What have you been doing in here? Sleeping on the ground?" Her eyes held mischief in them, and I grabbed her hand with a grin.

"You're just jealous you don't have any in yours. I can fix that though-"

"Billie..." She warned with a laugh "Don't you even think about coming near me"

I chuckled, watched the smile lighting up her cheeks with pink.

My blood heated at the sight of her, imagining her so warm and willing in my arms. I walked to her, wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head against hers.

"I dared. What's my punishment?" Our voices were hushed and it was quiet, so quiet I could hear her breath.

She smiled, the mischief increased.

"I could be mean and punish you, just walk right out of here and not look back"

"You wouldn't do that to a man..." I crouched for a minute, grabbed the back of her legs and wrapped them around me.

She held onto me willingly with a sigh.

"I could, too. Though I doubt I'd have the strength to push you away from me now"

I leaned forward and brushed my lips over hers.

"Tell me why you really came in here" She erupted with laughter against me, made her body hum and vibrate in all the right places against mine.

"Just to tend to the horses, I swear. But it looks like I got a rare breed of ass instead"

"You didn't mean donkey, did you?" She shook her head, curls bouncing.

I pulled on the strings of her robe, let it fall open and ran my hands up the warm underside of her legs. She shivered and complained.

"You're hands are cold"

"They'll warm up" I promised, sliding my hand up farther until my fingers skimmed the heat I had been searching for.

She swatted my arm.

"Billie!" She scolded as I laughed and had to draw away.

"What's the matter?" I asked teasingly, pushing her small nightgown above her hips and inching forward.

"Not in here"

"You're already ready for me, Lenore. Besides, nobody's even awake yet besides us"

"In a horse barn, Billie? Really?"

I shushed her as I slid down the zipper on my pants and thrust forward. She gasped.

"Yes..." I replied, finally satisfied. "In a horse barn"


I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and took a glance up at the sky as Delilah and Samson trotted slowly side by side.

Liz was explaining to me the number of diapers she had changed in one single night, the bags under her eyes telling the rest of the unspoken words.

She stopped talking on a sigh and smiled over at me.

"Well, liver been talking about myself and my troubles this whole time. I'd like to hear you talk without it being just an agreement response" She chuckled lightly and the smile rose all the way to her tired eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's why we came today, to get to know each other I guess. I've learned quite a bit about you"

"And me nothing of you" She shot back kindly, the smile stuck on her face and firm.

I shook my head with laughter.

"What'd would you like to know?"

She didn't take long to reply, and it somehow made me think the question had probably been brewing in her mind for a while.

"Do you love him?"

I looked over, but not in astonishment.

"It's just that I remember you not wanting to get married..." She explained softly.

My eyebrows drew together, but I wasn't surprised.

"I do love your brother, Liz. I just thought that I wanted to wait a while longer is all"

She smiled, convinced now and she nodded her head.

"I knew you did, I could see it when you two looked at each other. All those smiles and hidden messages you don't think other people see"

"Hidden messages?" I laughed "What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know, those looks a couple gives one another. I guess I don't know what they mean, but you guys probably do"

I brushed the subject off and pretended not to know what she was talking about.

"I was just wondering, considering, well actually I'm sure everyone was wondering. We all just thought that it was too soon for you...we'd never met a girl like you before"

I looked over at her once, gave her a thorough look and said quietly.

"It's not too soon for anything anymore"

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