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TORYN SAT ON THE EDGE OF her bed, crying. She wept into her hands making sure to keep it down since Davina went back to bed. After she explained that she didn't let Takashi in and that he snuck through her window, she didn't get into trouble; but he was also banned from coming back to the house.

"Toryn you okay?" Trouble asked, sitting next to her and rubbing her back.

Toryn shook her head side to side 'no.' She wasn't. She couldn't believe Takashi told her to go kill herself.

"Damn, bitch he told you to go jump off a bridge." Trouble, the voice in Toryn's head remarked. A schizophrenic often times didn't interpret the original message. So in Toryn's mind, she heard 'I want you to jump' when those technically weren't his words. So now she sat on her bed contemplating it.

"I thought you said he was your friend, why would he say that." Trouble said.

"I-I don't know. I have nobody now. He hates me." Toryn cried, getting off her bed. She grabbed her glasses and put them on, so she could see better. Her head was pounding and now she was thinking about what she should do. Takashi obviously didn't know her that well, she would do it.

"I mean, we can if you want. Isn't everybody always calling you a punk? Let's show them that you're not."

Toryn looked over at her, that was true. But killing herself was a little extreme. She didn't exactly want to die.

"Girl, your schizophrenic and losing your memory...your life isn't glamorous. I say we do it, then haunt Takashi since he wanna play." Trouble stated as if she had read her mind.

Toryn began biting her nails.

"And guess what? You can go to Heaven and meet your dad. Remember him?"

Toryn looked at Trouble, that idea catching her attention. She didn't remember much about Sean, but she did remember he babied her a lot. And he was pretty nice. It was much better than being with her mother. She could bet her dad was still like that. She dreamed about him a lot; but it wasn't really anything she could personally remember happening. He did die when she was only six.

"What if he's not as nice anymore?" Toryn said out loud.

"Trust me, he is. You're his daughter girl. He wants you to come where he is anyway."

Toryn glanced at Trouble, tilting her head up. "How do you know?"

"I asked him." Trouble said leaning against the door.

Toryn's eyes widened and she walked over to her, shaking her shoulders. To an outsider it would look like she was crazy, just making random hand movements—but she wasn't. "You asked him? And what did he say?"

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