Chapter 25

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Kenzie POV
I looked at Lauren's face and said Lauren what's wrong she showed me her phone screen and I was shocked

Kenzie POV
What's was on her phone screen was a picture of Hayden about to kiss Annie and there was another of him picking her up and hugging her so I grabbed Lauren and she started crying while sobbing she chocked out 'he promised that he wouldn't fall for her and I didn't tell you but he sent me a text and said Annie I love you and that's why I've been a bit sad' while hugging her I walked both of us to my bed and we laid down and she was still crying and I was rubbing her back and started playing with her hair then I whispered in her ear 'Lauren I get it he was your first love but I'm your first love now Lenzie forever right' she looked up at me and weakly smiled and put her head back down then mumbled 'yea Kenzie Lenzie forever' while she was still sobbing I was still rubbing her back so I put her head in my chest and texted mom (💘- Meredith 😔-Kenzie)

😔- mom Lauren is currently crying while we are in the room and I don't want you to console her but I'm calming her down so when she calms down I'll text you to tell you to bring Darian and Maddie in the room so it can be a girls day/night ☺️☺️
💘- okay love but one question
😔- what's the question
💘- why is Lauren crying in the first place
😔- mom one word Hayden
💘- I really don't like that kid he broke my baby's heart
😔- mama I got it under control
💘- okay I'll text you back in a few I have to pick benny and maliboo up from the groomers
😔- okay mom love you
💘- love you too honey

Johnny POV
After the girls paused the video I left and went in my room and laid on my bed and eventually went to sleep then after I woke up I went downstairs two hours later and only saw dad Maddie and Darian so I questioned 'where are the girls' dad mentioned 'they should be in their room' so I walked upstairs to their room and knocked on the door but they didn't answer so I opened it and I saw Lauren with her head in Kenzie chest and Kenzie rubbing her back while on her phone so Kenzie put her phone down and saw me and I mouthed 'what's wrong with Lauren' she texted me in all caps HAYDEN then I went on Kenzie bed and we put Lauren in the middle and I said 'Laur what the hell did Hayden do' and as soon as the name Hayden came out my mouth she started crying again but harder than before so Kenzie wrapped her arms around her then Lauren gave her phone to Kenzie so Kenzie out her thumb print and I saw the messages that Hayden sent
Text messages ⬇️
H- Annie I really like you but I'm dating Lauren
H- Annie I love you

Then after I looked at that I got really heated then Kenzie gave me the look that said 'that's not all' so the she went to Lauren's camera roll and showed me pics of Annie and Hayden

I was beyond pissed but I calmed down for Lauren sake because she was devastated so Kenzie whispered she said 'babe I'm gonna let her go in the shower and everything then I'll come talk to you in your room' so I just nodded and walked out

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I was beyond pissed but I calmed down for Lauren sake because she was devastated so Kenzie whispered she said 'babe I'm gonna let her go in the shower and everything then I'll come talk to you in your room' so I just nodded and walked out

Kenzie POV
I stopped rubbing Lauren's back and she looked up at me and gave me that 'why did you stop look' so I looked at her and said 'go in the shower I'll bring you your clothes then me you mom Darian and Maddie are gonna have a girls day/night' she looked at me and nodded I went to her draw and got her some pajamas

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