Chapter 1

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"NO!" Y/N cried out as she saw what Wally had just done. She ran to Barry and caught him before he collapsed, she gently laid him on the ground. Everyone surrounding the scene stood in silence at what had just happened. Amongst the silence phones flashed, and camera clicked, and people chattered quietly amongst themselves.

"B-Barry," Y/N stuttered between sobs, she was still in shock of what had just happened.

"I love you," Barry said in between breaths.

"No, no don't say that," Y/N said carefully running him back to S.T.A.R. Labs, the team was awaiting their arrival, Caitlin and Julian had prepared the medical lab. They swarmed Barry and they began their work. Y/N was still holding his hand as he laid on the bed, his breaths become shorter and more rushed. 

Y/N backed away for a moment, she looked down at her shaking hands, they were covered in Barry's blood. Her once white suit was now tainted red. Caitlin and Julian needed space, Cisco saw this and pulled Y/N away from Barry, and out of the way.

"Y/N, I don't know if we can do this," Caitlin said while attaching various tubes and machines to Barry.

"What about Wally?" Cisco asked amongst the commotion. Y/N ripped the emblem off her suit and laid it on the table next to Caitlin, she pushed it down and Gideon appeared.

"Gideon, help them, I'm going after Wally," Y/N said turning to face Cisco and speed out of the lab. 

"Y/N! Don't run angry," Cisco said, but he was too late. By the time he got the words out she was a flash. Y/N ran back to where Wally was, he hadn't moved. Y/N ran at him and tackled him to the ground, both of them fought for several minutes, but Y/N's anger empowered her to do better. She won and stood over Wally as he lay on the ground in pain.

"That was for Barry," she spat before he blacked out. CCPD approached the scene and moved the civilians out of the way, Singh came up to Y/N.

"Please tell me I didn't just see that happen to the Flash," Singh said in disbelief; he noticed the blood stains on her suit and her hands.

"Then I'd be lying," Y/N said before racing herself and Wally back to S.T.A.R. Labs, she shoved Wally in the pipeline before racing to be by Barry's side. She entered the Cortex and was met by Caitlin.

"He's stable for now, but depleting fast," Caitlin said with sorrow in her voice. "Gideon helped, but she said there was something you could do."

"Yeah, there might be," Y/N said pulling off her mask and walking into the medical room conjoined to the Cortex. Gideon greeted Y/N before she disappeared back into the emblem, and Y/N placed the emblem back on her suit. Barry laid on the bed unconscious, Y/N could barely bring herself to look at him.

"What could you possibly do to save him?" Julian asked entering the room, everyone knew how bad his condition was.  Before she knew it the entire team stood in front of her awaiting an answer.

"Look, there's a process known as rebirth, every Flash goes through it at some point. There is a prophecy of Barry going through that process, and me helping with it somehow, maybe this is how," Y/N suggested.

"What does this 'rebirth' entail for him?" Julian asked.

"It shows a speedster their past and teaches them that messing with time is the worst option.  He'll learn to cope with all that he's lost in his life. It will be his redemption, he'll come back better, faster, stronger, and with his memories," Y/N explained.

"With his memories?" Joe asked. He was confused, as was most of the team.

"His memories from when we created the speed force, he'll remember everything. Look, I know it seems far-fetched, but what other option do we have?" Y/N asked. She knew this was the only way to save Barry, she just hoped the rest of the team could realize that too.

"I think we should do it," Joe said, he cared about Barry. After all, he had raised him for most of his life, he didn't want to lose his son.

"I agree," Caitlin said. The rest of the team nodded in agreement. Y/N walked over to Barry and gently ran him into the speed force. He laid softly on the ground, the speed force's version of her father appeared.

"You finally fulfilled your prophecy," he said walking closer to Y/N as she knelt over Barry. 

"Please, be gentle; take care of him," Y/N said standing up to face her father.


"Be more kind to him than you were to me," Y/N said staring at him, she always hated how the speed force reminded her of him.

"Now that's something I can't promise," he replied. "Barry will have to go through a very similar process to you, I can't promise that what he goes through won't be difficult for him."

Y/N nodded and left, it was all up the speed force to save him now. She returned to the Cortex and explained what had happened. 

"We still have the issue of Wally," Cisco said, he knew that they were all focused on Barry, but Wally was still an issue.

"I got it," Y/N said as she headed down to the pipeline. Wally had done this to Barry, and he was going to pay for that.

"Well, look at that, just who I wanted to see," Wally said as Y/N opened the doors to reveal his cell.

"Why are you here?" Y/N asked, she wanted to get straight to the point.

"I don't understand the question," Wally replied with a confused look.

"Why are you controlling Wally?" Y/N rephrased the question as she walked up to the glass cage that he was trapped in.

"Oh, you mean this empty shell of a person," he said gesturing to his body. "To get to you, so you let my creator go free," Wally answered.

"Your creator? Professor Zoom created you, not Thawne," Y/N said. She was getting confused, she hoped this wasn't another mind game.

"For a smart girl, I thought you would have figured this one out by now. Professor Zoom is a version of Eobard Thawne from the future, from an alternate timeline to be exact, and you have him as your prisoner. Let him go, and I'll give you the real Wally West back," he offered.

"What if I say no?" Y/N asked crossing her arms. She had no intention of letting the man who destroyed her life go free.

"Then I move on from person to person, and kill everyone you love." Y/N sighed before continuing,

"One condition, if I let Thawne go back to his time then you let Wally go, and never come back," Y/N said.

"Deal, but I also have a condition, you have to throw Eobard back to the correct time."

"He can run there himself," Y/N said, agreeing to let him go was one thing, helping him was another.

"No, he can't. You see, your cell that he's been in for a year and a half has weakened his speed, made him slower. You have to help him," Wally said.

"Fine, but you let Wally go first," Y/N said. She would hold up her end of the deal, so long as he did. Wally dropped to the ground, he looked around confused. Y/N opened the door and he ran into her arms.

"Please tell me that didn't happen," Wally said sounding nervous, his voice cracking.

"What?" Y/N asked pulling away to see Wally face to face. She was confused by what he meant.

"I killed Barry, it was so surreal, it was like I was a passenger in my own body. I could see, but not control," Wally explained.

"Hey, it's okay. Barry's safe now, he's okay," Y/N said before leaving Wally and racing to Thawne's cell.

"Finally come to your senses?" he asked as Y/N approached and opened his cell.

"I'd shut up before I throw you to the ice age," Y/N threatened. Thawne put his hands up in a sign of surrender. Y/N grabbed him by the hood of his jacket and began running, once she reached speed a portal opened and she tossed him through.

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