Why is he here?

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YN pov
-A few days later-
I woke up to the sound of knocking... the type of knocking that is completely repetitive and won't stop. " just gimme a sec" I mumbled as I slumped out of bed and wandered over to the closet. In the closet was the box of clothes Ink had sent yesterday for me to wear to school, or " disguise" in his words. I grabbed the brush that was located on the shelf and started to brush my hair while I lazily walked down the stairs.

The day after tomorrow was the first day of school and there was still so much to do, honestly I wasn't looking forward to that..... My thoughts came to a halt as the knocking on the door became louder " I'm coming okay? please just stop" I yelled as I approached the front door.

I opened the door but when I realized who it was I tried to close it, just as the door was about to close a neon shoe wedged it's way in between the door and the frame and I was greeted by the nightmare from the 90's himself.

The skeleton wore a neon purple shirt along with orange sports pants. He also had a jacket on along with a yellow and red baseball cap and glasses with the words YOLO imprinted on them. I wonder how the glasses stayed on, but after a few moments of thought, I decided to drop the Subject.

-3rd person pov-
" Wiggidy what's up my fellow broseph!" Fresh greeted holding a hand out to (Y/N) ,only for her not to take it. " What brings you here?  Since you don't come to me unless you need something or have been told you have to?" The human snapped making Fresh flinch slightly at the tone of their voice. " Damn they didn't' tell ya? That's really rough bruh " The skeleton stated while rubbing the back of his skull and scooting towards the kitchen.

"What do you mean they didn't tell me!!" Exclaimed a fuming Yn as she stormed over to the kitchen where Fresh was currently looking in the fridge. (Y/N) grabbed Fresh by the hoodie forcing him to look at her. " Answer the damn question Fresh!!" Fresh just grabbed his phone out of his pocket and started waving it in the girls face while wearing a shit-eating grin " why should I tell ya when they could tell ya instead?" The skeleton exclaimed while taking his phone back and dialing a number on it.

There was a long silence in the room while the phone was ringing until a voice finally answered   " Hello?"

It was Inks voice....

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