A new ally?

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I was shoved roughly aside as ripping echoed throughout the hallway. I could only stare dumbfounded as PJ collapsed from where I had stood, his jacket now in shreds.

Something about how pitiful this situation was ignited something in me, as I gripped my scythe and glared at the creature.

Why wasn't Fresh here?

He was supposed to help me wasn't he?

I knew I couldn't trust him.

My distraction allowed the beast to quickly swipe a talon down my stomach. Managing to deeply tear throw my clock and the skin beneath.

Screaming a battle cry, I charged the creature yet again. Using my weight this time, I scraped through the rough scaling and sliced down it's forearm. I was beyond upset.

I ignored the bloodied mess of the hallway as I continued to parry and dodge the attacks. Earning some good hits on the beast whilst also gaining a few myself. The metallic tinge of blood wafted throughout as I finally managed to finish the monster with a blow to the neck.

I ignored the sickly sound of its head crashing to the floor as u heard footsteps round the bend. There Ink, Error and Fresh stood gawking.

The weight of failure was unbearable. Although PJ would be alright the guilt was near crushing. I looked at Fresh with a glare and motioned to the lockers where he sat? Staring wide eyed at... something?

Maybe he's dazed. I would be too if I just got saved by a majestic person like myself (heavy sarcasm).

Not wanting to deal with Ink or Error, I clicked my fingers, teleporting both myself and the beast to an abandoned quarry where I promptly dumped the beast.

My (F/c) cloak was shredded at the hood and trailing whilst my (H/c) hair stuck to my face in a mixture of sweat and blood. My legs physically ached as

I clicked my fingers and teleported to my house. Throwing my clock to the ground whilst my scythe fizzled into air.

I began stumbling around trying to find that dang brush yet again, and glanced at the mirror in habit and froze.

I don't know what told me to do it as I summoned my soul to my fingertips. The result forced a gasp from my lips as I stared at it.

A huge crack had formed through the center of my soul. 

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