WOAH!! (A/N)

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*falls off of chair*HOLY MOTHER OF-OKAY! WOAH! where did you guys come from! I don't even know that many people! UHM, let me Re-word that

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*falls off of chair*
OKAY! WOAH! where did you guys come from! I don't even know that many people! UHM, let me Re-word that.... I DONT REMEMBER EVEN KNOWING THAT MANY PEOPLE ( I don't know, what can I say. I introduce myself to someone and than forget their name in less then ten minutes. Is2g ( ;M;  ))
well then *ehem* THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

*hands everyone a party hat and a slice of ice-cream cake*

UPDATE!! : okay, I admit that I've been a lil' unorganized and haven't updated this book for a while.... but I will confirm that I will not discontinue the book. It will be updated hopefully once or twice a month since i'm gonna be spending time studying for a scholarship! So, sorry for my tardiness and expect updates sooner or later! Suggestions are always welcome and thank you guys for sticking with me!

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