Chapter 11

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~Oikawa's Pov~

The second those words were spoken, I felt my whole body freeze in place. I felt dizzy and sick.

"N-no...she can't be dead!", I yelled.

The receptionist frowned at me and looked at her computer screen again. "It says she died at"

I didn't know what to feel right now.
"Why wasn't I notified?!" I yelled.
The receptionist flinched and I felt Iwa-chan place a gentle hand on my shoulder as a sign to tell me to calm down. "I don't know Mr. Oikawa..I am terribly sorry..", she whispered.

I stormed out of the hospital moments later with Iwa-chan by my side. "Oikawa...", he mumbled as we walked down the sidewalk. It was dark out now since the sun just recently set. "I'm so sorry for your loss.."

As soon as those words were spoken, I broke down sobbing. Realization hit me like a truck.

My mom is dead...
I'll never see her alive and well again..
I'll never get to laugh with her...
Or smile with her..
My only parent that still cared about me is gone..
She'll never get to see my volleyball games..
She'll never see me grow up and graduate...
I never got to say goodbye...

I stopped walking and stood in the middle of the empty sidewalk. Tears were running down my cheeks as I was trying to hold back my sobs.
Quickly, Iwa-chan pulled me into his arms into a gentle hug.

We stood there for 5....maybe 10 minutes. It was just me and Iwa-chan. He had his arms wrapped around me gently as I cried into his shoulder. No words were spoken during that time. The only thing that could be heard was my muffled sobs into Iwa-chans shirt.

Ten minutes passed and I slowly pulled my face away from Iwa-chans shoulder. He slowly let go of me as well and gave me a sorrowful look. "T-thanks Iwa-chan...I'm sorry for cry-", I started before he cut me off.

"Don't apologize for something like that. You deserve to cry and I don't mind comforting you because you're my best friend", he gave me a rare small smile.

It was a sad smile, but Iwa-chan rarely smiles towards me.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve to clear away any remaining tears and sniffled slightly. "Lets continue walking home", I said. Iwaizumi nodded and we continued walking. I glanced at Iwaizumi and noticed he was tearing up slightly.


"Would you like to stay with me for tonight?", Iwaizumi offered as we walked down the sidewalk of our street.

I shook my head 'no'.

"No thank you Iwa-chan..I need some time to think..", I hugged him goodbye, then walked towards my house as Iwaizumi walked towards his. Once I was inside, I removed my shoes and walked up to my room. When I walked inside, I collapsed on my bed and broke down again. My sobs were muffled against my pillow as I cried of sorrow and loss.

After several minutes of sobbing, I pulled my face away from my pillow and looked at the nightstand beside my bed. There laid a photo of my mother and I.
Just us.
No dad and I was glad it was that way..
I wish it could still be that way..
I slowly reached a shaky hand out and grabbed the pictured frame gently. "I love you mom..I wish I could've said goodbye..", I whispered out loud as I pulled the picture frame close to my chest in a gentle hug.

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