Antique Shop

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*Drama Set*

*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Today I follow 3 of them to drama set as they will start filming their new drama. As a PA I have to make sure they are following their schedule to work. They are eating correctly and have enough water and rest. Basically I'm more or less a mom with pay.

This is my first time seeing them work. Normally they will play around but when they start to work all of them look so serious. Especially Qian Xi, normally he will not talk much but when he start working he will have a lot of question and act his part best.

I am shocked to see such side of Qian Xi. My heart skipped a beat seeing his serious face. Wait! Are you falling in love with Qian Xi? No way right? I question myself a lot but it seems like I can't get the answer. Days pass and it's been a week I've been following them to the drama set.

Their schedule is super pack, after back from drama set they will start dancing lesson. After dinner they will go for singing lesson. Then I will have to teach Xiao Kai and Yuan on their summer holiday homework. As for Qian Xi, all I do is just check his homework.

Every day they will need to wake up at 6AM and normally sleep around 11PM. It is really very hectic for them but I don't see any of them complaining to it. If I were in their shoe I guess I will be complaining every day.

Today finally they have a day rest because they do not have to take part in today filming. After breakfast Yuan suggested we go out for a walk since we are here in Chang Sha. We all agree to it. Of course all 3 of them need to disguise themselves but they make me disguise with them as well.

The funny part is, all four of us is wearing the exact same things. I understand if they want to wear same clothing but why me?? I am a girl why I have to dress up like a guy! And so I protest!

Yuan: Like this we will not found out by our fans.

Xiao Kai: Yes normally there is 3 of us, now if you are with us they will not think we are TFBoys.

Qian Xi: This is an order from your master so just wear it.

Me: Ugh, I'm doing this for my salary only!

I take the set of cloths when into my room and change it. After I come out from my room all 3 of them stare at me.

Me: What! You make me wear this don't you guys remember!

Yuan: *whispering* Qian Xi, she's hot even in your cloths.

Qian Xi: *whispering* No not my cloths, those are new.

Yuan: *whispering* No, the one you wearing is new, Xiao Yang one is yours. Xiao Kai exchange it without you notice.

Qian Xi: What!

Me: What??

We all shook our head and off we go for a walk.

*Qian Xi P.O.V*

We were strolling around the town and thanks to Xiao Yang no people really notice who we are. This is my first time I can be so free. Then we notice there is an antique shop nearby so we went in. I like antique stuff so the shop is like heaven to me.

While I am looking at the item in the shop a pocket watch caught my attention. I walk over to the watch and plan to pick it up to take a good look at it. But instead of the watch I touch a hand. The hand is very soft. I quickly remove my hand and look up to see the owner of the hand.

I was shock to see Xiao Yang. She also wanted to see the watch? Why?

Me: You wanted to see this pocket watch?

Xiao Yang: Yes, you wanted to see also?

Me: Yeah.

Xiao Yang: Why?

Me: I always dream of this pocket watch and you?

Xiao Yang: I don't know, it feels familiar to me.

Suddenly an old man pick up the pocket watch and have this weird look on both us.

Me: Is there anything on our faces?

Shopkeeper: No, both of you look so familiar. Have you been here before?

Me & Xiao Yang: No.

Shopkeeper: I see. I must've mistaken both of you for someone else. Ya I am the shopkeeper of this shop, if there anything you all like I can give you discount.

I don't know what happen to me but I wanted to buy that pocket watch so much I ask the shopkeeper.

Me: Boss, how much is the pocket watch in your hand?

Shopkeeper: No this is for display only, it can't be sell out.

Me: Why?

Shopkeeper: You are not from here am I right?

Me: Yes.

Shopkeeper: Come here young man.

The shopkeeper bring me and Xiao Yang to a siting area. Yuan and Xiao Kai saw us and follow us.

Shopkeeper: This pocket watch have a long story. Do you all want to listen to it?

Me: Yes.

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