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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

On my second break, I found that Xiao Yang is not around. So I ask around and they told me that they saw Xiao Yang when out a moment ago. I did not give much thought to it as I believe she just when out to buy something.

Then the director ask me to get ready for my next part. I continue the filming without rest and soon my part is done. I when to take a rest and message Xiao Yang but I heard her phone notification. I try to look for her phone and it is inside the bag she normally take.

I start to wonder, where she is. Why she did not bring her phone together with her. I ask around again, and they say after Xiao Yang had not back since she when out during noon time.

Yuan: Qian Xi, what are you doing?

Me: Xiao Yang had been missing since noon!

Xiao Kai: What? If you say so I saw XX talk to her and she went out after that.

I immediately go and look for the female director and ask what she tell to Xiao Yang. At first she refuse to tell, but after l release my anger to her she begin to talk. She tell us that a friend of her which is TFBoys fans ask her to ask Xiao Yang to go out during that time.

They say they are going to play a prank on her as they do not like Xiao Yang being PA for TFBoys. When I heard it, I am so angry and tell to Xiao Kai and Yuan. We lose no time and try to look around for Xiao Yang but to no avail.

Then our manager advise us to go back to the house and have a look maybe Xiao Yang already back home. We agree and off we go. But no she is not at home. It is already 8PM by the time we reach home. I am so worry of her and tell my manager I will go out and look for her.

Both Xiao Kai and Yuan join in as well. We separate into different direction. I have been looking for an hour but I still I can't find Xiao Yang. During I am worry and looking for Xiao Yang like a crazy people suddenly my mind have some memory flash over.

In those memory I saw myself looking for a girl name Hui Fen. I know this is not me as he is wearing a different era outfit. Then the memory show that he found the girl and the girl look exactly like Xiao Yang. Suddenly I am snap out of it when I heard a girl screaming for a guy name "Hao Xuan".

I do not know why but that name is so familiar and I feel that girl is actually calling me. I shake it off and continue look for Xiao Yang. Then I pass a black alley, at first I am still having doubt that Xiao Yang will be there but my instinct tell me that I have to go over to that alley.

And so I walk in and to my surprise I saw a guy trying to rape a girl. Even I don't have time for this but I have to save that girl as well. So I grab that guy and beat him to the ground until he fainted. Then I go over and take a look at the girl.

To my surprise the girl is Xiao Yang. I quickly call her name and before she faint she call out to my name. I immediately call Xiao Kai and let them know my location and ask them to call the police and private doctor as well as I found a guy is trying to rape Xiao Yang.

They reach in no less than 10 minute with the police and doctor. I point to the guy lying on the ground and tell the police the whole thing. The doctor come to check on Xiao Yang and inform us that she is too shocked that is why faint.

I let out a sigh when I know that Xiao Yang did not let that guy rape. So I carry her back bridal style. Once reach the house I go up to her room and put her down covering her with blanket. Then I turn to leave the room when suddenly a hand grab onto my hand.

I turn back to take a look and found Xiao Yang had already awake.

Me: How are you feeling?

Xiao Yang: Can you accompany me tonight? I am scare to be alone...

I agree to her pleading and help her up to sit down. I ask her to go take a shower. She nodded and when in to the bathroom. After a while she come out in her pyjamas and when straight to the bed. That night I sleep with Xiao Yang with her in my hug.

I can feel that she is still scare of what just happen. After a while both of us fall asleep, and I start to dream again. But this time instead of dream it feels like memory fragment being replay to me and I wake up after that.

When I wake up I saw that Xiao Yang wake up as well. Then Xiao Yang tell me that since small she will dream of this guy and she tell me the whole story. I am amazed to hear her story and tell her mine. Both of us are surprise and Xiao Yang ask me do I who are they.

Me: I am not sure, but I heard I am being call Hao Xuan and the girl name is

Xiao Yang: Hui Fen.

I am shocked that Xiao Yang can know the name of the girl in my dream and she explain that it is the same in her dream. Then I thought of the antique shopkeeper.

Me: Why not we look for the antique shopkeeper tomorrow since I have day off.

Xiao Yang: En, I am thinking to do so.

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