Author's Note

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Hello, dear reader! Whether you're here from my shameless Tumblr plug-in, because you were just browsing and decided to give my garbage fire a try, or you just are shocked to see bottom!Tord (like I am all the time), I make it a tradition to put this warning under my fics. If you know what you're getting into, feel free to stop reading here and go onto the first chapter.

Now for the rest of you, however many that may be, I have to give the classic "mpreg warning: don't like, don't read", because there's always that one person (I'm looking at you, Billy.) Who doesn't read this warning and complains to me about it. I love you all, but Billy can go suck an egg. Don't be Billy.

Characters' last names are changed, but hopefully that won't make this hard to read. I tried to keep them similar, but not so much so that people start beating me up in a fanfic alley. Here they are so you're ready when you see them.

Tom Ridge
Tord Larssin
Edd Gold
Matt Harling
Paul Vale (leaving out the 'Ter' since this Paul and Paul ter Voorde aren't related)
Patryck Duncalfe
Yuu Lahti (Mentioned briefly, but isn't alive in this fic)

These names aren't used often, but now you're (hopefully) prepared to see them when they do show up.

I will continue using the names Paul and Patryck, but I know the difference between them and their real life counterparts, and I don't intend to harass them with my work. Please don't rip my arms off.

⚠️WARNING⚠️ ocs will be used and mentioned often, because an army isn't just three dudes with guns. If you want me to include an oc of yours, dm me a picture and full bio. Please don't get mad if they aren't included a lot (they'd be background characters for the chapters that show the Red Army).

Also, quick warning that the first chapter has smut in it, which is gonna be an adventure to write. And, just because I can, I'll be adding the song that I listened to nonstop while making each chapter. Feel free to listen to them while you read, I don't control you.

Now, without further ado: Chapter One!

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