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Nights like that were something new to Tord.

He had never fallen asleep in Tom's arms, not in all the years they had slept together. He was always was forced to leave the room by the end of the night, but here he was - Waking up in Tom's arms, his skin warm and soft against the norwegian's. They were spooning, connected by every inch of bare skin that touched.

Tord opened his eyes slowly, breathing out a sigh as he stretched his arms out in front of him. The movement made Tom stir to life, letting out a quiet groan as Tord turned his head to look at the Brit.

"Hey," Tord purred, reaching a hand back to cup Tom's cheek. Tom gave a tired smile, kissing at Tord's jawline and making the other giggle.

"Morning," Tom breathed softly against Tord's skin, peppering more kisses along the norsk's jaw.

This was new...not that Tord hated it, but being held and embraced like this gave his body a newfound glow of joy. He never had a place with Tom all to himself, and now that they had a calm, gentle place to love in, they did just that. Soft yellow light surrounded them, pouring in from the sliding doors that lead to the balcony. The light only added to the warmth Tord felt, and tempted him to sleep again.

Tom's hand moved from the top of Tord's bump to the bottom, holding as carefully as he could.

"Is it shitty of me to say that you look nice like this?" Tom's genuine tone made Tord's eyes go wide and his face flush, but he smiled regardless.

"Whatever you wanna say, Thomas..." Tord eased his head back against the pillow, staring at the wall as Tom's hand wandered the span of his belly. It felt huge with how long it took Tom's hand to reach each side, but that didn't make Tord feel any sort of embarrassed. He had kept Tom's baby alive and well, and they were getting bigger because of it.

Tom's hand slowed at the bottom of Tord's stomach, resting there as the two of them enjoyed a comfortable silence.

The baby decided that enough was enough, and began to move against Tom's hand. Shifting in back and forth motions, they managed to make Tom's hand visibly move.

"Tord, what's she doing?" Tom asked softly, sitting up a tiny bit to get a better look. "Oh god, it looks like there's an alien in there, do you feel that?" Tom stared in awe at the distorted shape at the bottom of his lover's belly, like a knee was being pressed out from the inside. "What's she doing?" He asked again.

Tord's hand joined Tom's on his stomach, feeling with him as he spoke. "You probably think this is a magical moment, but she's just wiggling her ass all over your hand."

"How do you know it's her ass?" Tom laughed lightly, staring down in amazement despite what he had just been told.

"I can feel that her head's up by my ribs, and she's kicking more towards my spine right now, so...by process of elimination, that's her ass." Tord laughed as Tom suddenly poked at his stomach, making the lump disappear.

"She should learn some manners," Tom joked, rubbing the area again. "I'm not toilet paper."

Tord hummed softly, enjoying the touch. Tom's hands were soothingly warm - likely why the baby was going after them. "She can't learn until she's out," Tord put his hand over Tom's, relishing the warmth. "She still has a prison sentence of four months, no parole."

"God, four months...No, not even that - three and a half. That's not a lot of time." Tom breathed, feeling more bumps and kicks against his palm.

"I know..." Tord mumbled, closing his eyes and sighing softly. "I can't wait."

"Really?" Tom asked, earning a nod from Tord. "I don't know if we'll be prepared, and what if she comes early?"

"...Babies can come early? What do you mean?"

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