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Tord woke up to the quiet sound of a heater shuddering to life, his eyes opening slowly.

Oddly enough, he was surprised to still be in Tom's apartment.

Part of him believed that this wasn't real, that he was still dreaming and was really still in the Red Army base with Jan at his heels. But here he was - tucked in up to his chin with one of Tom's old blankets, on Tom's old couch. He hadn't fallen asleep with a blanket, and smiled at the thought of Tom giving it to him.

Looking out the window, Tord could tell it was morning, but didn't care enough to know the exact time. All he knew was that he felt safe, and he held the blanket a bit closer, sighing peacefully.

The tv, which had been quietly playing a rerun of Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 2, suddenly cut to loud static, making Tord jump.

"Jesus fuck-" Tord scrambled to his feet and rushed over to the thing, trying to see what was wrong. The noise was awful, enough to make his chest tighten with panic, his only thought being turning it off.

Tord could hear footsteps, and looked up just in time to see Tom slam his functional hand onto the top of the tv with a thunk, the thing sputtering a bit before picking back up on the movie.

"Sorry about that, it does that sometimes...The satellite over here is absolute crap." Tom let a breathy laugh escape his lips.

Tord nodded awkwardly, standing up quickly to meet Tom's gaze. He immediately hunched back over, his breath hitching harshly as he felt a pain in his gut. His hand flew to the area and he clamped his eyes shut.

"You okay?" Tom asked, and Tord could feel Tom's hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, just a cramp or something, I'll be okay." Tom's touch lingered for a moment, and Tord tensed. He had probably moved a bit too fast and jarred the baby, so he knew he would be fine, but Tom's hand stayed, careful and unsure. "I'm fine, Tom. Promise." He mumbled.

"Does this happen a lot?"

"What? ...No, I just moved too fast." The pain began to ebb away, and Tord breathed a quiet sigh, rubbing the area in an attempt to soothe.

"Tord, you fucking idiot, be careful." Tom sighed tensely, his touch finally leaving as he moved to scratch the back of his neck.

Tord had missed the sight of Tom like this - the soft light coming through the window, holding his face like Tord wished he could, his mouth a thin, flustered line. Tord hadn't seen the Brit in morning light in years. Tom crossed his arms after a moment, looking away.

"What time is it?" Tord mumbled.

Tom glanced quickly at the microwave, squinting to see the time. His words left his lips slowly and unsurely. "10:47? I think eyes are still shit."

"God, did I sleep in," Tord mumbled, his eyes dropping open.

"What the hell do you mean?" Tom laughed lightly. "I sleep until twelve on a good day!"

"Oh, dear god." Tord murmured. He knew Tom would never sleep that late once the baby came. At least, he hoped. "Tom, in the army, I was always up and ready by four a.m.!"

Tom sputtered in shock, "No wonder you slept so long, you haven't had a good rest in eight years."

Both of them laughed lightly for a moment, cut off by the tv sputtering back to static. Tom growled in annoyance, quickly moving to turn it off before moving to look back at Tord. "Ya want food?"


"Food. You know, you eat it?"

Tord glared at Tom. "Shut up, I know what it is, I-...just didn't expect you to offer it, I guess."

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