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Tord thought he knew what dying felt like. After having his arm nearly blown off, burned, and shot, he thought he knew what it was like to get close to the edge. Turns out being barely conscious through the agonizing birth of your second kid really puts things in perspective.

Maggie Larssin-Ridge was born seven minutes, 15 seconds apart from her brother. Seven pounds even. Alive and, much to Tord's joy, screaming her fucking head off. Bigger than Erick and much fussier, it was obvious to Tord that Maggie was the one he felt moving.

Celia had to do most of the work - Tord was so drained that he could barely manage it. He couldn't remember half the details, and he knew he passed out a few minutes after.

Thankfully, Maggie was alive and healthy, meaning he got to hold her right away. Tord couldn't stop looking at the twins once he was able to hold them - Erick's eyes were green and tired, like Tord's. Maggie's were a pale shade of blue that Tord could only assume came from Tom - in Tord's entire family line, he had never known a blue-eyed Larssin.

Life after labor was far less glamorous than the movies foretold. He wasn't up and moving immediately, snapped back to his beach body in a nanosecond. He was bedridden, his lower half practically paralyzed from the pain. His stomach was constantly aching and cramping, and he always felt on the verge of either crying or throwing up, sometimes both. Every two hours, Alyona would be sent in with a new ice pack she affectionately called a 'padsicle'. She made them herself, specifically for Tord, out of frozen menstrual pads slathered in aloe vera and witch hazel. They were for Tord to have under his ass, and every one she left with was always soaked in blood. She was nice about it though, and made sure he was well fed and comfortable, and changed the babies whenever she visited.

Celia, however, became unbearable. She couldn't believe that Tord not only conceived, but conceived twice. She told Tord that the babies were abnormally big for a twin pregnancy, and that Tord's anatomy snapped back to normal after delivery. How he managed to survive it was beyond both of them, but Tord could care less.

What he did care about was how annoying the medical wing was becoming. Tord knew it was driven by medical curiosity, but someone was constantly at his side, poking and prodding at him for an answer on how he managed to get pregnant. Tord kept his lips sealed about the experiments, but ultrasounds, written examinations, and physicals were getting annoying and draining. The only decent member of the medical staff was Aly, who had taken it upon herself to get formula and bottles so the twins wouldn't starve.

Right now, Tord was holed up in the medical wing with Patryck watching his every move, being visited by anyone who was willing to see something as freakish as himself.

"Congrats, sir." One would say, earning a fake smile from Tord.

"He has your eyes." Another would say, making Tord force a fake laugh. Ten other people already said that exact thing, and if he had to hear it again, he was going to tear his eye from its socket.

"They're gorgeous." Said the last one before leaving, Tord finally getting some time to himself. Well, time to Patryck, the babies, and himself. The Polish man was perched on a bar stool in the corner, leaning against the wall and staring at the clock from across the room. Tord didn't want him here, not after his reaction to keeping the pregnancy.

"Why are you still in here?" Tord asked, Patryck's eyes staying glued on the clock.

"I'm ordered to watch you for seven more minutes, then I switch with Lars." He spoke monotonusly, bored by every word that left his mouth. He looked so unhealthy from the last time Tord saw him - tan skin had paled and bags formed under his eyes, unkempt stubble growing on his chin. Tord could see the tail of a scar flirting with Patryck's upper lip, but it trailed off to the side of his face that Tord couldn't see.

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