A guide for the story

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So I'm doing this know and you NEED to read this in order to know what's happening in the story. Copy it screenshot it if needed cause I won't remember that much either and I KNOW there will be two to three more books but different ships but here ya go. Also warning some chapters may be shit XD but they get good because I usually forget of what I'm writing because I'm thinking ahead for the future chapters so it WILL get better and thank for reading.

Soulmate Guide -

What are soulmates?
Soulmates are the love of your life, they are the drug you need to survive. There are two types of soulmates, the dominant soulmate and the recessive soulmate. Soulmates are yet confusing but exciting at the same time of which no one knows. But then again your probably asking, what's the difference between a dominant and a recessive soulmate? Well let me tell you first about a dominant soulmate. But after that I need to tell you about how it works, it's all in the eyes. Yes! The eyes, to know if your a dominant or recessive look at your eyes. If one glows and is more vibrant than the other eye on the left than your a dominant. If your eye glows and isn't as vibrant than your a recessive. The colors of both eyes need to match up in order to find your soulmate. If one of the glowing eyes are covered no one will know and nothing will happen. Your eyes have two different colors. If you find a pair that will match up what you have you found your soulmate. Let's go to chapter two.

Dominant Soulmate
The dominant soulmate is the dominant one in the relationship, the leader of the pack. The dominant has MORE control over the recessive. The dominant is more likely to find their soulmate faster than the recessive. The dominant is also MUCH more protective of the recessive, they will protect what's theirs by any power they can, including death itself. The dominant soulmate has their senses more stronger than the recessive soulmate, they can smell much more farther and stronger, their hearing is the same, eyesight as well the same. The dominant soulmate can be incredibly dangerous depending how much they feel towards the other soulmate of theirs. Especially during stage three, four, and five. The dominant soulmate is much more appealed to their recessive soulmates scent and skin. This works for all people, if touch someone that is not your soulmate then it will shock you, not to death but to scare you a tiny bit. The dominant soulmate is especially VERY protective to the recessive during stage four, they won't let anyone touch their soulmate and if anyone ever does death may be upon them. The dominant soulmate can't control their body or minds during the third or fourth stage.(keep in mind that if they don't go through stage three or four with the recessive soulmate they WILL die, including the soulmate.) speaking of dying if you go for a looong period amount of time without progressions stages both soulmates will die.

The Recessive Soulmate
The recessive soulmate is of course the smaller one in the relationship, the ones who follow the leader. But the recessive soulmate are the ones who almost have everything on their shoulders. The recessive soulmate are the ones who can feel the most really, and are the ones who feel EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH. No joke, if a recessive soulmate touches their other soulmate they will feel exactly how the other soulmate feels but it's much more stronger. The recessive soulmate gets everything from the dominant soulmate, meaning if the dominant inflicts pain on their self then it will be transmitted to the recessive. Meaning the recessive will get the pain and the marks of whatever the dominant soulmate puts on their body, tattoos don't count. The recessive soulmate is also the most NEEDY and most EMOTIONAL than the dominant. Meaning during stage three and four they are NEEEEEDY! They need more attention than the dominant, meaning f they don't get it as much they WILL fall into a great depression and may ending themselves. They are also not as weak as the dominant but still weak, and the recessive soulmates senses are weaker except for smell and hearing. They also have ALOT of self control of their mind and body. If anything happens to their dominant soulmate they WILL be much more stronger, stronger than the dominant and WILL kill without any hesitation or anything that gets in their way. But if something happens to them they won't care.

Stages of soulmates

Stage one:
The dominant soulmate can inflict feelings onto the recessive soulmate. Every time the dominant soulmate looks at the recessive soulmate's eyes the bond connects more deeper and they will progress into stage two. But if the recessive or dominant soulmates have something covering the dominant soulmate's one eye then nothing can progress. Keep in mind that this also includes happiness, aggression, depression, guilt, hurt, fear, etc.

Stage two:
The dominant soulmate can inflict any marks they make on their body, and the marks will be transmitted to the recessive soulmate. For example, if the dominant soulmate were to scratch their arm they won't feel it, instead the recessive will and they will have the marks. Only the dominant can inflict what they do, no other person can. Also for stage two is that the feelings get much more stronger, they can feel each others feelings and the connection gets MUCH more progressively stronger.

Stage three:
The dominant and recessive soulmates can read each others minds. In which case if thy get it up to this far. They can also see from one another's eye if needed for a long or short period amount of time. The dominant soulmate can predict or tell when the recessive soulmate feelings change or when something bad happens to them, the recessive soulmate has the same qualities but they are much more delayed but still stronger than the human.
All of this helps when one another need to "help" the other in stage four.

Stage four:
This is the "mating stage" for soulmates. It all starts when the dominant soulmate has their canes grow out, longer than a normal human and they're the size of wolf canes. Since the dominant is the leader or more leaderous of the recessive they have no to little control of their body or mind. The recessive is the same way but the canes are much more smaller but still visible, they are like cat canes but bigger and they can control their body but not mind. The dominant soulmate has this gland they can activate when to "claim" their recessive soulmate. The dominant soulmate eye glows much more brighter than normal and the recessive glows as bright as a normal dominant eye. But the thing is, the dominant soulmate NEEDS to claim the recessive before it kills them, and they need to put it in the neck of the recessive correctly or they will die. One needs something the other one has or it will die. The gland the dominant soulmate has is a chemical of some sort that glows the color or their eye, and when they inject it into the recessive soulmates vein their body glows and smells like the dominant. Everyone can see the glow except the dominant and recessive soulmate. The recessive needs to do the same but the pain won't be as bad because they have little canes and do no harm, so no blood loss will happen. On the other hand the dominant soulmate NEEDS to be careful as possible or else the recessive soulmate will die of blood loss or chemical loss. Anyone above the age of 13 to 15 NEED TO BE SUPERVISED IF THEY HAVE FOUNDED THEIR SOULMATE! Only 16 up can do this stage.

Stage five:
This is the last stage.(so far) You become one with you soulmate, dominant or recessive it doesn't matter. Hypothetical speaking of course, but you can telepathically communicate with one another and now whatever the recessive soulmate does to their body will be inflicted onto the dominants body. You can also feel the same feelings but ten times MUCH more stronger. Only the dominant has the strongest of the feelings and the recessive soulmate not so much, so meaning that up to this stage the recessive soulmate will have the feelings as strong as normal dominant and the dominant soulmate will have the feelings ten times stronger than before. This can be dangerous both ways or anyway you see fit. This is the only stage SO FAR that has been encountered, if anything happens please contact the government as possible.


If anything confuses you comment pls ^-^/ get sleep after this maybe

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