Chapter three

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Craig's P.O.V

He still haven't changed.

I looked at him in the distance, after he left it scampered away from me he was stopped with a group of seniors and I noticed how he started to twitch more. My right eye is twitching like crazy so I just let it be. I'm not dense but I do have my suspicions that he might be my soulmate but still. Suspicions. Right now I'm in my group with Stan, Token, and Kenny. Kenny was looking at me and looking back at Tweek." We should follow them..." Kenny muffled out. All of us looked at him with either brows raised or furrowed down." You do you mean by that McCormick?" I asked in my deep nasally monotoned voice." I had a talk with him this morning, and I'm pretty sure he mentioned some seniors giving the poor twitch some bruising." I then snapped my attention to where they are. They have him surrounded. One to four. I then snapped my attention towards Kenny." Your kidding?" He shrugged and now Token and Stan are looking over there." Yeah Craig that really looks suspicious." Stan pointed out." I agree with Ken on this Craig." Token then looked back over at me." Yeah come on Craig let's go check it out." I nodded and we started to head over towards where they are. We were all in the right side of the lockers and they were near all the way in the back of the hall to the right. It's odd though, where's his group?" HAS ANYONE SEEN TWEEK TWEAK! HE LOST HIS MOTHER AND FATHER!" Well speak of the devils. Sarah was on Clyde's shoulders and Kyle on the look out for Tweek I assume. We hurried towards Tweek and started to hear them talking." Come on twitch are you gonna tell us why you came to us?" "Do you need to cry again?" "You need some sleep cause we can help you with some bruises." I saw one of them take his right arm and started to roll his sleeves." Oh look! All fresh for us but there's a few scabs... Hey grab his lighter." Oh fuck no.

"HEY ASSHOLES!" They turned there heads toward us." Oh look methhead your boyfriends are here! Man your suck a slut for attention." They all turned towards us."Why are y-" I saw a fist collide with the "leaders" jaw and knocked him out cold."KENNY!" He then looked over at the other boys and we all started fighting. We took out three while the fourth bailed. I looked over to see Tweek with tears in his eyes." TWEEK!" I was then pushed slightly by a girl in a dark worn parka with ripped skin tight dark blue jeans with black converses." Hey Tweek are you ok? Did they hurt you?" He nodded." Y-Y-Yeah ACK NNG!! T-Thanks to t-them..." he then looked up at me and smiled lightly. I blushed slightly, wait... No stop jeez all you did was save your old friends don't get all touchy feely with him." Yeah n-no problem Tweek." I felt a stare coming off of Token and Kenny. Stan then smiled lightly." Hey Tweek if you want we could all hangout? Maybe just for a little while so you don't have to face them with such a big group?" I snapped my attention towards Stan and he's just grinning like an idiot." I-It's not my d-decision..." we all looked over at him and he pointed at the girl cradling him, for some reason I felt jealousy. She then let go of him softly and stood up." Hey! The names Sarah! Nice to meet ya. I already know all of you guys and I'll think about that offer Stan, thank you." She then smiled slightly before it went back into a frown almost. Fake smiling, got it she's like Stan.

- time skip to jersey kyle  -

Tweek and his gang left and we all just walked to are next class that we had all together."Craig you do realize that they might be ou-" "Token no I'm not even gonna think about that." Token then sighed lightly." Im just saying, if one of us is lucky then it's you Craig. I mean it's obvious that no one in this school has that eye and I'm only guessing Tweek has it. Your so called "girlfriend" doesn't even have that, it's close yes but the ring around her eye is brown yours is grey." I sighed lightly stepping onto fourth period history." I gotta say, Tokens right Craig. I mean Kent hasn't even found his yet and I'm pretty sure all of our soulmates are the people in the eyepatches or in another state. As cliche as it sounds we need to dig deeper into letting them trust us." I sigh again more heavily and flipped of Stan and Token. Kenny has been really quite since we started talking about this."Why are you so quiet Ken?" Stan asked him. He shrugged."I guess I'm not into the whole soulmate finding project." Stan and I rolled our eyes."Cut the bull McCormick your always the one who talks about what your soulmate might look like." Kenny just shrugged his shoulders."I mean I'll tag along but I'm saying it might be them." We all then sat in the far back left of the classroom, near the windows. This is really cliche like a chick flick or some shit but I don't care I want to get this over with.

- time skip to gothic Stan   -

The bell rang for lunch and all four of us got up from our seats and headed towards the cafeteria. When we got there no one was really there except the other four individuals we encountered not that long ago. They sat all the way in the back of the cafeteria. They all had coffee and food with them from Tweek Bros. I saw Sarah pick her head up from her phone and looked at me and nodded. I nodded back."Ok fine we'll do this little plan ok Token?" He smiled slightly."Ok Craig, and if it doesn't work we'll take a trip to North Park." I nodded and made my way towards Tweek and their group.

Token stared at me along with Stan and Kenny followed my lead. When I got there they all looked at a the both of us."So? Are you still thinking about it?" I asked dryly. She nodded her head."Yeah I thought about and we all agreed we can be a whole group. Some of us do get bullied so we thought it would be helpful and there's more company and shit, so yeah." She then took a bit out of a Twinkie."You guys can also sit with us if you want we don't care." I looked down at Tweek to my right and he has his earbuds in. I looked back up at Sarah and nodded."Ok sweet."

For the remainder of the day we all talked and got along with each other. I sat by Tweek on my right and Kyle on my left. Stan was next to Kyle, on the other side Sarah sat across from me, Kenny on her left and Clyde on her right, Token was next to Clyde. A LOT of people were looking at us weirdly, me and Tweek flipped everyone off at the same time. I smirked and felt great happiness linger into me. I was talking to Tweek about space and how stripe was doing until I heard screeching. All of us looked over at Sarah and Kenny and she practically had her phone shoved in his face."Oh for fucks sake Sarah stop it your making the poor boy blush and maybe a boner." Kyle said. She then stretched her whole body across the table and what I saw had my nose bleed. So we have new foreign students transfer over here from Korea, Japan, China and maybe more but they keep drawing fan art or "Yaoi" of people. This one was me pinning Tweek up against a blue wall, my left hand going up his dark green sweater and I'm kissing his neck while we both blush. Kyle then started to blush then slammed both hands on the table.


It was the end of school and we all met outside and exchanged numbers and we went our separate ways. Well except me and Tweek. As we were walking in comfortable silence I noticed that Tweek was a little more jittery as we went by Starks pond and he kept looking down. I frown a little and looked up to see what it was from the corner of my right eye I spotted and heard the same boys from school. So I turned towards them.

"HEY ASSHOLES! IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TYEN DO IT AND STOP BEING A BUNCH OF PUSSYS ABOUT IT!" I then flipped them off and went back to Tweek who stopped walking. Head up, eyes widened like a deer lost in headlights. I then put my arm around him lightly. Im much taller than any of the boys in my school with six feet and two inches, Tweek was probably five feet and six inches."Thank you C-Craig..." I looked down and saw a small smile and blush upon his cheeks. I blushed lightly and looked away."Your welcome Tweekers."
Wow love the fluff in the end but oh boy next there will be warnings of um self harm so yay •-•

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