Chapter two

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Tweeks P.O.V

I stood in front of my English class. I really don't wanna go in. My music is on full volume and I can still hear them.

Come on Tweek.~

No I'm not mentally prepared

Your never prepared for anything, not the separation. Not the loneliness. Not the heartache.~

Shut up! Of course I wasn't. I'm just glad I'm not a dominant or else he would have my marks and pain.

No your lucky because you have me by your side. Even at death.~

I sighed quietly to myself. Mustering up the courage to go in there but at the same time my mind is saying, "how about we ditch this and go smoking instead?". Yeah I smoke, started when we split and he replaced me. He doesn't know though. He stopped, went cold turkey and hasn't smoked since last year. Which good for him but I already have so much pressure on my shoulders.

I then looked around to see if anyone was in the halls. Of course none but I'm just making sure.

You cant ignore him. And you can't ignore other people too.~

No shit Sherlock and I know that I'm just... You know... About to have an anxiety attack.

Oh! That would be fun! Do that, then the seniors will come after you and then you'll go home, cry, cut, and repeat!

Yup, just like the last couple of years.

I then took out my phone to see what time it is, first period is almost over so why not go to my second. When I walked away from the door the bell rang and I quickly did a side step out of the way so I wouldn't get trampled over. I sighed and turned to my left to start walking. But then I heard a couple of familiar voices and started to panic, usually Kyle or Clyde would be with me but they are all probably dealing with teachers. My hands are starting to sweat at the palms and shake just like the rest of my body. I looked down and I heard the voices coming closer." Hey Spa-"

"Hey Tweek! How's it going buddy?" I snapped my head up to see Kenny. Oh Jesus Christ thank you!" H-Hey Kenny." I waved slightly, voice wavering a little." It's been awhile hasn't it? How are ya doin'?" He then put his left arm around my shoulder." D-Decent, you?" I'm not the type to talk but when Kenny McCormick walks up to you like this and not choking you or trying to kill you? Then this is great. I've been taking some medication to help with my anxiety so I'm not as paranoid but the Underpants Gnomes ARE REAL PEOPLE! "Come on walk and talk with me. What's your next class?" I shrugged lightly." I-I think it's h-history NNG!" Kenny nodded his head. I looked over and saw some of the seniors look at me." Don't worry about them, focus on me." I jerked my head and Kenny was looking right at me dead in the eyes. Oh god is he gonna kill me now?! I didn't realize but I started to twitch more." Hey look I'm not gonna kill you I'm just helping you out ok? I've noticed how you would come back all worn looking and your eyes being puffy." I made an oh sound and started at the ground." T-Thank K-Kenny..." I then looked up slightly and he's grinning from ear to ear." No problem Tweek! I just don't want no one of your group to be mad at me and I didn't want you to deal with that." I smiled lightly at him and nodded.

As we were walking I noticed that Kenny was taking me to another classroom. It was the old abandoned music room."K-Kenny what are we d-doing NNG here?!" He didn't say anything put shoving me into the music room and him following after. Then he pulled out a large thing steel ring that had a bunch of keys. He then locked the door with one of the keys and then put them back into his pocket."Come on Tweek." I looked up at him."W-What do y-you mean "C-Come on Tweek"?" Kenny then sighed, leaning against the door slightly."Let it out Tweek, I know you have something on your chest so let it out." I twitched slightly."H-How do I know t-that you don't have a-a ACK tape r-recorder or your r-recording this o-on your NNG phone!" I twitched again, my neck jerking slightly. Kenny then sighed and took off his parka, pulled out everything he had in his pockets which the items were two playboy magazines, a carton of cigarettes, a purple lighter, a box of condoms and a loaf of bread. No tape recorder or phone."O-Okay I guess I can tell you..." I then looked around the music room, it had some grey bleachers and a mini stage up to the right side. I dragged him over to make him sit and I stood." O-Ok look I haven't t-told anyone this NNG but I'm just g-gonna lay it all out here..." I took in a deep breathe." I'm a suicidal freak who has a soulmate that used to be my best friend but then he replaced me with Stan Marsh and now I'm sure he has forgotten me and is in a relationship with someone who doesn't cut, smoke, twitch or spaz ouT LIKE A PSYCHOPATH WHO HALLUCINATES AND NEVER SLEEPS BECAUSE THEY CRY KENNY THEY FUCKING CR-" I felt something warm touch me. I felt arms wrap around me, I see that Kenny has gotten up and is currently hugging me. I felt like something was in my throat, I feel tears threatening to spill." It's ok, cry Tweek. Someone will always be there to help you cry." I felt the warm liquid run down my right eye. I then let out a soft sob and clutched onto Kenny's neck like it would be my last. I felt him rubbing my back soothing me.

- time skip to Cartmans authority-

After me and Kenny had that, moment. We went our separate ways, second period was about to end. I was currently walking towards chemistry when I heard footsteps. I looked up and we both bumped into each other and fell. I sat up and looked at the person, it was him. My eyes widened and I scrambled to get up but his voice stops me." Tweek?" His nasally monotone voice spoke to me. I flinched, and looked up at him slowly." H-Hey Craig..." His eyes widened." It's... Been a while hasn't it?" I looked down slightly." Two whole years..." I muttered lightly. Craig made and oh sound. I quickly got up and started to walk away but then I felt something grasp my wrist. I hissed quietly in pain, and fear courses through my nerves. Hoping he doesn't open any of the fresh new cuts." H-How are you... By the way?" I twitches lightly and pulled my hand back from him." F-Fine... How a-about you and y-y-your girlfriend?" I don't look at him, I'm not a cowards I just don't want to. Even if my eye is covered I don't care." I'm good but we're not on good terms right now..." his "girlfriend" seems to have the exact colored pair of his eyes, a deep dark blue with hazel eyes. I've seen his girlfriend but she has brown on the ring of her eyes, Craig had grey. I have grey around the ring of my hazel eyes. He won't ever know which is good." R-Really? W-Well I hope it g-gets better." I hope you dump her." Yeah I do to... But hey Tweek can I ask you something?" I looked up at him, still handsome as always with his thin but plushy lips, little freckles on his nose with a nose hoop piercing in black. Eyes shining and alluring as ever. I hide my blush successfully." Y-Yeah sure what is i-it?" He looked down slightly." How do you... Deal with someone that's your soulmate and it may be a guy?" Oh no... I flinched lightly." W-What do you mean b-b-by that statement NNG!?" He just looked down." Like if you think your soulmate is a dude and you haven't found them yet and one day they just pop up what do you do?" He's been talking VERY dryly and monotonous." I-I don't know! I haven't e-even found my s-soulmate GAH!" That's a lie Tweek stop lying got him and yourself." Of course not, you have to remove the eyepatch you wear or no one or yourself will find whoever your soulmate is." Then he paused and looked up." Or you've already found them and your just hiding...." I stepped back quickly, unable to speak.

He figure you out.~


"Tweek you ok?" I'm sweating, my palms, forehead, underarms just sweating. Before I could speak the bell rang and so I did what I do best, and ran. I ran for my life's worth, away from him. I don't care if I skipped any classes but I ran. Until I hit something or someone hard in their back and fell. I looked up and saw the same seniors.

"Hey spazzy fag.~"


Well cliffhanger heheh and angst almost. Poor Tweek has another thing coming ^-^/

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