Chapter six

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Tweek's P.O.V

"U-Um no reason?" Kyle glared at me slightly."Are you not telling us something Tweek?"

See? Knew it wouldn't last long.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!

"I-I u-um n-n-no...?" Before in a blink of an eye Kyle and Clyde both have my hands in theirs. I swallowed a big lump of air and started to panic. I can feel some beads of sweat forming on my forehead, my twitching has gotten worse and I knew what they were about to do. I shut my eyes tightly as I felt the two of them roll my sleeves up, and unwrap my maybe already soaked bandages. There was silence for a brief moment before I felt intense pain on both arms were the fresh cuts were.


I screamed so loud I'm sure the world could here me."Tweek Tweak how many time do we have to tell you to STOP?!" Kyle yelled. I opened my eyes and looked at the both of them. Both had the expression to kill me in my sleep. I started to whimper lightly as they moved both their hands up and down the underside of my arms, pressing deeper and making the pain more and more stronger and more unbearable to stand."Your also staying with us for the past month." My eyes widened more looking back and fourth at the two."A-A whole month?! NNG! I-I can't do that UGH! T-To much pressure mAN!!" I then jerked both hands back and grabbing the bandages. Wrapping them back around both of my arms, they aren't as soaked so I can still use them."Yes a whole month Tweek. We try to trust you but apparently we can't do we might do this again." I twitched lightly, putting my head down in defeat. But I then soon felt warmth on my right side, and an arm wrapped around me."It's ok buddy! I love hanging out with you guys anyways! Also since we're here..." I then felt the warmth disappear from my side and looked up to see Clyde slide next to Kyle."Let's talk about are soulmates! Or say who they are." Me and Kyle both looked at Clyde with a, "were talking about this now?" Look."W-When we get to my house we can." Kyle said. I silently agreed with him. Clyde then huffed lightly, pouting slightly."Fine, at Kyle's house."

-time skip to Timmy :)-

When all of us kind of finished the tacos Kyle bought us we headed to Clyde's car, Kyle sat in the front and I sat in the back in the middle of the seat. The radio was softly playing old rock music from the 80's like Tonto and take on me. We all sat in comfortable silence during the ride. Until Clyde spoke that is."So your house right Kyle?" Kyle nodded his head for agreement."But first you guys need to grab your things." He looked back at me then at Clyde. We all nodded our heads in agreement."L-Let's stop at my house. I-It's closer by than Clyde's." I looked at both Clyde and Kyle and they nodded their heads in agreement.

When we got to my house all of us stepped out of the car. I was confused of why but I should know they do this so I wouldn't take anything sharp or whatever. I went up to my door steps and unlocked it, when I stepped inside they followed closely behind me. I went up the stairs and then into my room. When I opened the door I saw that it was left the way it was when I first left. Coffee cups all over my desk and table side by my bed, clothes piled on the floors. The only thing clean was my closet. I scanned my room till I saw my bag and grabbed it, I went over to my closet and stuffed my bag with pajamas and clothes like sweaters and jeans, I had one pair of underwear I hide from the gnomes and some socks. When I was about to leave through the door I heard a ahem from Kyle. I grunted lightly and rolled my eyes at him."F-Fine..." I then handed my bag to him. Both of the two checked my bag, then handed it back to me.

When I finished locking the front door we all went beck into Clyde's car. Next was Clyde's house, so when we got their his dad was home when we entered. He was on the couch passed out, cradling two bottles of empty red wine, and some empty chocolate tubs of ice cream scattered him while the Titanic played in the background. It was at the part where Jack is floating off into the ocean and Rose it just saying "Come back" over and over again. Good movie. But poor Mr. Donovan. When we followed Clyde to his room it was MUCH more cleaner than mine, everything was neat and organized. The walls a dark green, his bed comforter a dark red, a beige carpet, a desk right beside his door, with a Mac on it. The room was also dimly lighted. It had a nice cozy feel to it.

After Clyde got his stuff and checked out we passed a sleeping Mr. Donovan and headed into Clyde's car. We then started to head to Kyle's house. When we arrived their we heard shouting from Mrs. Broflovski and Kyle's little brother Ike Broflovski."Young man I will NOT except this at all! You can not be gay young man your soulmate is a beautiful Jewish girl!" Ike rolled his eyes at her and scoffed."Yeah right I feel bad for dad right now I'm so glad it's not some Jewish girl because are they this crazy?" SLAP! "YOUNG MAN DONT YOU DA-"


Me and Clyde both looked at Kyle and he just motioned us to go up stairs with him. We nodded quickly as we still hear their argument. Then we heard a raptor like scream."IKE BROFLOVSKI! YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME THAT WAY NOY GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!!" As we were going up the stairs we heard him chuckle and say gladly to her. When we reached the top of the stairs we both heard footsteps coming closer so me and Clyde both ran for it to Kyle's room. Then we both shut the door and pressed our ears up against it."Ike what the hell happened?" "I just told her who my soulmate is no big deal." "No big deal? Of course it is and I'm very happy for you and who is it?" "It's Firkle, the Goth kid I hang out with. You know him and the goths wear either black or white contacts." "Oh him how? Did he show you his actual eyes or something?" "Yeah he did then we kind of..." "Kind of what?" "He did this to my neck and torso..." I chuckled lightly to myself and so did Clyde."Oh shit dude! Wow did you try and wash it off?" "Dude fuck lipsticks cause it's a pain to wash to wash it off so I gave up." "Wait did mom see it?" "No and I'm happy, I'm going back to his house so I can talk to him. I'll see ya later." "Ok Ike but take care and don't get hurt." "Got it." Me and Clyde then backed away from the door. Both of us trying to contain our laughter when Kyle walks in."Dude! That was so great!" Clyde chuckled lightly. Kyle had a grin on his face."Yeah it was but now I'm screwed." Me and Clyde both stopped laughing."W-Why is that Kyle?" Kyle then sighed heavily and started to take off his eye patch.

"Oh shit dude." Kyle's nodded sadly at us. His vibrant emerald eye looking at us both."Dude... You have Stan?" Kyle nodded sadly then he dropped to his knees lightly. Me and Clyde went over to him and gave him a bear hug as he kept crying silently. I know how he feels and it makes me want to cry... It probably wants to make Clyde cry because he doesn't like to see his friends cry or suffer. But having your somewhat best friend be your soulmate but you loose that person because of it."I-It's ok Kyle... I-I know how it feels." He looked up at me and I gave him a small sad smile."Y-Yeah Kyle it's ok. Me and Tweek both know how it feels." I look at him and furrowed my eyebrows. Clyde then removed his eye patch, mine and Kyle's breathed hitched. Clyde then was tearing up. I sighed lightly. I then removed my eye patch and they just gasped."T-Tweek you have it the worst m-man..." Kyle said lightly to me."D-Dude... He's such an emotionless asshole though...." I nodded my head sadly."I-It hurts but hey I n-need to tell you guys that w-we are gonna hangout m-more!" I put on a sad smile and they smiled with me."Good for you Tweek." Kyle said. Yeah...

Good for me.~

I feel bad for Kyle •-• have your super best friend as your soulmate must suck a lot and since they really aren't your super best friend anymore also sucks ALOT but oh well •-•

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