Gold Rimmed Mirror

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At the end of the dying street I turn off into a street with a much more lively atmosphere. The shops that lined it were full of colour and life. Even though it was fairly early in the morning, the street was still buzzing with people.

I listened to the countless heartbeats, some were steady, some were fast, some were strong while others were weak.

I peer into the passing shops, cafes and restaurants, I must say it definitely lifted my mood, all the exiting possibilities and opportunities.

it definitely felt good not to have a bunch of pricks on your ass.

Although I couldn't help but be tad bit confused by all he street names. They were either some synonym of the word 'mysterious' or an unpronounceable, witchy word that sounded cool.

while wondering down 'arcanum lane' I stop by a shop named the 'devils misstriss ' to invest in some new clothing.

I stood in front of the large, vintage, gold rimmed mirror that sat next to dressing room and admired myself, the soft sound of alternative music playing in the background.

'oh how fashion has changed'

my long black was in a messy bun on the top of my head and I wore a simple black dress that had long sleeves and my Italian leather boots.

However, even though I can't feel the cold, I was in godamn England so walking around with nothing but long sleeves keeping me warm is going to cause suspicion
... plus my jacket is absolutely trashed.

I left my place in front of the mirror and proceeded to look through the multiple clothes racks that were scattered around the store and lined its walls.

I couldn't help but grin ,when I was looking through jacket filled rack at the back of the store, when I came across a beautiful black leather jacket that featured rose embroidery on both its shoulders, that reminded me of the 70s.

It appeared to be the only one left and so happened to be my exact size, so naturally I decided to take it. I took it of its coat hanger and put it on, pulling my hair from out of under it, and then made my way to the door.

I was just about to open the door when the high-pitched voice of the shop assistant came from behind me.

"um excuse me miss, but you have to pay for that".

I roll my eyes and groan.I spin around to face the women, who appears to be mustering every bit of confidence she owns.

She had red curly hair that came to her collar bone, she wore a knitted grey jumper and pair of ripped black jeans and a pair of dark blue converses, she couldn't have been older that 19.

"you know I was having a great day until your annoying ass voice spoke to me",I respond arrogantly.

the shop assistant is clearly taken back and struggles to find something to say, however before she does I reach my hand into my bag and pull out a handful of purple powder from a sip-lock bag and at vamp-speed blow it in her face.

"what the fu-"

there is a loud thud as the shop assistant falls to the ground, unconscious.

'lets just hope thats the right one or in about 10 minutes she's going to start rapidly decomposing'

I drag her body behind the counter, dust the remaining powder from her face, change the store sign to 'closed' and exit the store as quickly as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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