Bloody Hell

46 1 0

(PRESENT TIME - England)


"Kat, we screwed up"

"No really? What gave it away? The piles of DEAD bodies or the hundreds of ALIVE bodies suspending from hooks in abandoned warehouses?", I state with a dangerous amount of sarcasm. i was in a worse mood than usual. My hair was a mess, my clothes were all teared, my head ached, my body was covered in cuts and bruises, I'm pretty sure there is a metal pipe stuck in my left leg, coming back to life after having your neck snapped isn't the most pleasant experience, my car stinks of.... Fucking death and I'm actually considering holding a funeral for my leather jacket. 

this blood is gonna be such a pain to wash out of these seats.

I hear a long exhausted sigh come from the other end of the phone, my arrogant comments weren't going to make the situation any better.
I supressed the feeling of guilt growing in my stomach.... I don't play well with 'feelings', but Louisa always seems to has that effect on me.... She brings out my emotions... which sucks. but i guess thats what a sister does to you,even though Louisa isn't my biological sister, she's stuck up with me for a whole century and only a sister can do that.

"Sorry Louisa, all this blood is turning me into a complete bitch and I'm still a little on edge after... our previous discovery."

"Aren't you always a bitch?" She jokes.

I roll my eyes and let out a weak laugh, she isn't wrong.

"Crap, I gotta go, my phone is on 5% and i need to save it incase of emergency."

"Ok, bye lou, text me when your safe" I reluctantly say before hanging up the phone and lazily throwing it into the back seat. my red, 1955 Ford Thunderbird suddenly felt a whole lot more lonely.

I look down at watch to see that it was already 12:43pm.
shit, I've been driving for hours and hadn't even realised, I also hadn't realised the blood that covered my face had now gone hard and was sticking to my face, gross!
I reach my hand out to feel my face and feel the cracked up and disgusting texture of the dried up blood on my gorgeous, smooth face. i screw up my face in absolute disgust.

"Oh my god, no no no no...ewww. I can't deal with this!"

I squeal in disgust before abruptly pulling over to the side of the road. I jump out of the car, tripping over my Italian black leather boots in the process and definitely confirmed the metal pipe thing, and quickly proceed to scraping the blood of my face.

I look down at my hands to see them covered in dried up blood...I curse to myself as I realise that I haven't fed in days, how could I have been so stupid! I don't do well in these situations and I can feel my whole body screaming, wanting, craving the sweet taste of blood, my veins are burning and I can feel my face going numb.I support myself against my car. 

I sit next to my car and cursed at myself for the next 20 minutes.

I could practically hear louisas voice in my head say,' you idiot! how many times do I have to tell you to make sure that you always have a supply of blood bags in your car.especially considering your condition'

The pain is intensifying and I clench my hands around my stomach in an attempt to cease the pain.

"Fuck!", I whine aloud. Just one goddam human weakling is all i need!

I was practically dying on the side of the road for another hour and a half, I could feel myself becoming weaker and weaker.

well this situation escalated bloody quickly I thought to myself.

I sat slumped up against my car, drawing in the sand with a stick I found, occasionally moaning or whining in pain.

A devilish grin appears across my face as i look down the road to see two. Blaring headlights.coming my way... how convenient.
I guess the devil must have a thing for me.

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