A day before highschool

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My Prince..My Princess

Chapter One

"I am nervous",i say looking at him."Don't you worry sweetie,u'll do fine",said my dad with a reassuring smile."My cheetah will rock it!".My dad i swear he knew what has to be said and when.I smiling went to my room.

I look at my clock,its already 6.uh uh. Girls are going to kill me! I quickly change into a pair of jeans and a white loose top,my brown ruffle hair is messy as ever.I hate it when it comes to combing my hair.I grab my keys, my cellphone and stuff some money in my pockets,and run out of my house bidding a short fare well to my dad and mom.Walking across the street i plug in the headphones and listen to Better than words by One Direction.One of my favourite Bands.I swear i can listen to them all day.With a couple of minutes i reach to our regular cafe 'Joe's Sip' .It was one of the most renowned hang out place for most of the teens in the town.

I walk into the cafe and see Amanda and Alex are sitting on our regular place, both of them giving me i-don't-believe-you're-late-again look.OK,I was'nt that punctual.I walked up to them and took my seat."I doubt if your brain does even know to read time?" said Amanda."Me too! How can you be late when this was pre planned?",argued Alex taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Yeah,yeah i know i know.I lost track of time."i tried to explain."Lost track in watching movies online?or nail tutorials? or i don't know what",Alex really furious this time."I am sorry",i say feeling really guilty."J i hope have not forgotten that tomorrow is our very first to high school and we had come here to enjoy our last day and share our nervousness",said Amanda.Yes,tomorrow was our first day to high school and this was the first time we were going to school without each other.We had been friends since forever but our high schools were going to be different. We were all worried.Me,Amanda,Alex were from the same grade where as Quinn,she was two years Senior to us.Despite the difference we have always,like literally always been together.

"By the way,where is Quinn?wasn't she suppose to be here too?"i ask realizing the place she sits on-being empty."She is in her extra class,she'll be here any minute."said Alex looking at the phone."So did u guys have anything?" i asked as i was pretty hungry."I'm full"said Alex rubbing her tummy."We know that dear". i said laughing.Amanda chuckled too."You are lame!"Alex said giving me a look"Okay then i'll something for myself."i say walking to the counter.

As i am returning back to the table i see Quinn entering the cafe.She gives me nod.We reach up to the table."So my girls are you all excited about tomorrow?"she squeaks.Quinn being the eldest of all always treated us like her daughters.I know its funny.

But she has always been there for us! no matter what goes wrong she was always with us. 

"Are you kidding me?"says Amanda."OK girls just calm down a little you guys have grown up and i am sure you'll be able to handle this on your own."says Quinn trying to cheer us up."Yeah we hope" we all say together.

Amanda's phone rings.

"hello? yes mom i'll be there in a bit"she says trying to keep the phone as soon as possible."urrggghhhh OK i am coming"she ends the call."Guys i got to go,mom is super angry"Amanda saying this with a worried expression on her face."Common u can wait for a while?"Alex interrupted when i was about to speak."NO i can't mom will kill me if i don't reach home on time"she says."Yeah girls we should get going its already late",Quinn looking at her watch.

"Okay then...see you girls tomorrow.All the best for the first day.",i say giving my girls a group hug."Same to you Jamey",smiling Amanda and Alex."Bye Quinn",we say.



Quick update! :)soo guys what do u think abt this chptr?n yes Amanda GIbbs my bestfrd from"Finally Found You"@wicked_witch2720.A great book plz do have a look.And i m really xcited for ur response plz let me know...ill b updating soon.Stay tunned.Lots of Love! :D 

dont forget to comment and vote :)

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