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My Prince..My Princess

Chapter 2

"Jamey,honey wake up! Today is a very big day!",mom exclaimed probably coming to my room, her voice became louder with every word. "Jam..oh! you are already up? Am i dreaming?" her eyes wide open..she is still in a shock.Yeah,morning person?pfftttt..i am not even an afternoon person."Mom please,at least not today!",i say with a frown on my face as i sitting on my bed all dressed."awww sweety its is going to great,trust me!",her attempt to brighten up my mood fails. ".and guess what?"she continues "i have made your favourite breakfast-veg cheese sandwiches just the way you like them".As soon as she says this my face lights up a bright smile.

Thats right! my favourite food can fix my mood.

"Come down soon",she says before exiting.I hop out of my bed take a good look at my self in the full body mirror.White top and a black frilled skirt my hair left untied, long and wavy as they are,a white clip on a side,white ballet flats."OK,lets get going!" i say looking at my self for the last time nervously.I take my wallet,cellphone,tote and rush down. Mom has already served me and is probably in her room getting ready to go to work.

She is a teacher.She is in this profession like since fifteen years now and she is in love with her job.Nothing! mind you nothing could stop her from going to her work place.Sometimes i feel Sunday holidays are also what she hates the most.

"Honey i am leaving! or should i wait to drop you to school?",she asks busy searching for something in her purse.Suddenly after a few seconds she looks at me because i have not replied to her question yet. "Jamey??".

"Mom you u look absolutely stunning! wait let me take a picture of you".i squeak She is wearing a beautiful peacock blue color Saree which she had told me about last night.Her messy brown and slightly blond bun made her look more beautiful.It seemed that their school was organizing some festival involving different countries and mom was given charge of the country India.

"Really? you think so?" she says looking at the folds and trying hard not to blush."Believe me mom you look great." i tell her "but mom how did u learn to wear this?" i slightly puzzled. "Sharmas" we both say together and burst out laughing.

Sharmas are our neighbours since long time.They belong to India but have settled here. 

Mom left biding me a small farewell. Dad was going to me drop me school.I quickly finished my breakfast  and quickly texted Alex and Amanda wishing them luck for the first day.

"Doll all set to go?" dad asks entering the room all ready to drop me."" i say a bit worried."Lets go then? I am in the car come soon."he tells me as he leaves. I quickly grab my tote and leave the house.

Dad starts the car.My high school is twenty minutes ride from my house while my old school was at just five minutes distance.I wish i could go back.I swear in my life was i so nervous like i am now.

Jamey relax its not like you are going to get into trouble the very first day

My mind.It should really stop talking to me!

A few minutes later just to distract me dad started talking about his first day in high school.He told me how he was carefree and was least bothered about studies and everything. I was looking at him in shock and awe.It is so hard to imagine him like this now..mean while we had reached the gate of my high school. Not many familiar faces.I don't feel like getting outside the car.I am about to say something. I hear a loud horn behind our car.i peep from the window. I see a guy driving, as i obviously don't know who he is so i decide not to pay attention.He had chocolate brown hair looking much silky then mine almost making me jealous,fair skin with black shirt on looking me direct in the eyes and i am blankly staring at him.I almost could not get my eyes off him.

Jamey what are u doing?

Our eye contact breaks as he honks again making me very conscious.I scold my self and watch him drive away. I get out of the car. Saying goodbye to my dad i take a deep breath and walk towards the office to take my new timetable and locker keys.I reach the desk."Hey..this is Jamey Barnes" i say "Oh..yeah! here's your time table and your locker keys"she says with her smile.I thank her and leave when she say "Welcome to St Louies" and i smile and walk away.

Okay so my first class is English in room number 207. I am on my way as the bell rings. I get in the class just to see not many students have reached and most of the benches are empty.I quickly take the seat in d middle row.The classes are quite good. After a while the class appeared almost full.A girl walks into the class with high heals,extra short shorts and a fancy top and obviously blonde hair .She walks in with a big smirk on her face, as if she is walking on the ramp with all the make up and attitude. I roll my eyes to that drama queen.Just behind her comes our professor.

"Hello class! I am your professor of the rest of the year.I'll be teaching English."says a tall man with black hair in his mid forty's "..and my name is Mr. John Adam" he says placing few books on the table beside.We started with a new chapter form out text book.It was about life. He taught us in a very different way. I was not really interested in literature and everything but his teaching kind of inspired me.The bell rings and we disperse. I come out of the class and realize i cant find my phone..then i remember that i had put it under the desk.I walk back to the class and i see a girl with practically red hair specifically curls holding my phone.

"umm hey that's my cell?" i say awkwardly.She looks at me "yeah i saw it and i was about to come to return it to you",handing it over to me."Thank you" i smile "I am Stella",she says holding her hand out for a hand shake. "Jamey" i reach up to hers.

"So i hope you know we have a half day today..since its the first day",she says sounding very happy."Oh really?" i say surprised. "yeah! i have next class free what about you?" she says looking at me."Uhh..i have next too" i say happily. "Great! lets go to the cafeteria.I am very hungry."she says patting her tummy. I giggle and agree.

We walk into the cafeteria and talk about  friends family and most random things.Stella was a total crazy person crazier than me too.She was fun to be with. We are about to leave for our  classes when we hear an announcement saying the school was going to give us a half day after this bell. We leave the room and the bell rings. We decide to take a walk home.


Hey there...i know took too long to update bt finally here it is..plz tell me knw how it is..and plz plz plz vote thankyou! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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